S02E31: Water-Based? Really?
Tonight’s Tarot:
Six Of Wands – Linestrider Tarot Deck
Freaks of Hazard:
ThewTheKooky for providing the video on the Alhambra!
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🌟 The Ancient City That Mastered Water 🌟
🪙 Alhambra 1 - Cordoba and Grenada
The siege of Córdoba in 1236 was a major turning point in the Catholic reconquest of Islamic Andalusia, now southern Spain. Córdoba and much of southern Spain had been under Islamic rule since the 700’s. It was such a big deal at the time, King Ferdinand III of Castile was made a saint by the pope. Following the fall of Córdoba, the next target for the Catholics was the city of Grenada, where the Caliph began construction of the Alhambra Palace, one of the great fortresses of the medieval era. The Alhambra was going to be a much tougher nut to crack.
🪙 Alhambra 1.5 - Alhambra Palace
The Alhambra Palace, unfortunately for the Spanish of the time, was one of the great marvels of the world, an insanely well-placed and well-built castle. Aside from towering fortifications, the Palace had built within a complex series of waterways which supplied the place not only with drinking water, but water for fountains, gardens, baths, and even steam rooms which heated floors and spas. Those inside the palace were protected from the outside world in a maze of luxurious splendor. They even built a fountain which could tell time.

🪙 Alhambra 2 - Canals and Pools
In order for water to flow into the palace correctly, they had to raise the elevation of the water’s source. Through damming, trenching a canal, and building a massive animal controlled water wheel and uphill reservoir capable of storing 400 cubic meters, roughly 105,000 gallons.
🪙 Alhambra 3 - The Lion Clock Fountain
A central fountain of the fortress was capable of telling time. A central pipe would fill the bowl slowly, every hour hitting a hole in the fountain that would pump water through the statue of a lion, of which there were twelve. Every hour another lion would spout water, until all 12 were spouting. Then the siphon would drain the fountain and the process would start again.
🪙 Alhambra 4 - The Steam
The steam produced by boilers in the fortress would travel through pipes and heat floors, and exit vents in certain rooms to create spas.
🪙 Alhambra 5 - Pools
With all this water moving and flowing around the fortress, a natural evaporation process would happen under the hot Spanish sun, creating a cooled climate in the desert mountains. 🌄
🌙 Pompeii had a secret CULT for 'raving, intoxicated women', archaeologists say
Welcome to the House of Thiasus, where frescos adorn the walls highlighting the most depraved of scenes. Feast your eyes on the literal feast of flesh. Insanity and ritual are the determining factors here. This room was already 120 years old by the time of the eruption, surely this art was a prized possession of the home owner?
The fourth side would have opened onto a garden.
Around the walls are female members of the cult devoted to Dionysus, known as Maenads, which means 'to rave, to be mad; to rage, to be angry'.
Maenads are portrayed as dancers, but also as ferocious hunters with slaughtered goats on their shoulders, holding swords or the innards of an animal.
Your initiation awaits! Oh, and the last time anything like this was discovered was almost a century ago at another location actually called the Villa of Mysteries.
⭐ Ancient Frescoes Found in Pompeii Reveal Secrets of an Obscure Cult
Violence and Celebration - A large fresco depicting secretive sex cult rituals is unearthed, death and rebirth, man and woman…and animal are here for the party.
Household Gods - Show me you’re wily woman way in the wilderness eating MEAT.
Secretive Rites - It always comes up Dionysian. Tho, painting the rites doesn’t seem very secretive?

🌙 See the Stunning Frescoes of a Mysterious Dionysian Cult Discovered in Ancient Pompeii
🌙 Maenads, satyrs, and initiates: friezes of Dionysiac mysteries uncovered in Pompeii
⭐ Ancient Prostitution of Pompeii History Documentary HD ✪ History Channel Documentaries
It Starts With A Cover-Up - Too hot for primetime, what has been some reactions to this art over time?
Not Meant To Hear - You have maintain public image! You want to be known for the fake plaster people!
Den of the She Wolves - Let’s hear a little bit about the oldest known brothel in the world.
The 9th Hour Girls - It sounds like from the video all elements of society engaged or slash was a prostitute, this clip highlights the more run of the mill ladies.
A Carving In The Road - There was even secret hidden brothels!
The Climatic Room - And sex rooms hidden in the upper echelons of society!
The Suburban Baths - And public bath houses! Yes, that kind!!
⭐ The Erotic Art of Pompeii
So Called Secret Room - Tucked away deep in the National Archeological Museum in Naples lies a room full of lustful and depraved art……let’s gooooo!
See How The Nanny God Looks Up - Behold, penis art!
⭐ Maenads: The Terrifying Worshippers of Dionysus
The Bacchaes - Here’s some info on these cultists, take a break and celebrate!
Several Steps Past Girls Gone Wild - It’s all about the climax of the play.
Play With Fire Dance On Coals - What were some of the other behaviors these women would engage in?
Heads Thrown Back - Big big big one piece vibes here.
Go Hysterical - And sometimes, you just have to inoculate yourself against the hysteria.
⭐ The Sex Appeal of the Gladiators in Pompeii | BBC Studios
Dressing Rooms of the Stars - What kind of graffiti laid backstage in the green rooms for the gladiators? Surely these sex packed heart throbs could do more than fight. BEHOLD THE ENCHANCED IMAGE OF THE ROMAN CITIZEN!!!
Glamourous Sexy and Popular - What was their social standing? Not good. Now swear oath scum! Plus plus for perks of the job.
Network You Merely thought you stopped a business deal
Milk Carton Man - Sir Seat Sitter
At the Helm of Despair by Kazuki Tokaji

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