S02E27: You Can Be Double Bad
Tonight’s Tarot:
Four of Swords – Linestrider Tarot Deck
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In Vermont and California, two suspects appeared in court this week facing criminal charges. Oxford-educated data scientist Maximilian Snyder, 22, was charged in Solano County with the murder of Vallejo landlord Curtis Lind. In Vermont, 21-year-old data scientist Teresa Youngblut was charged in connection with the killing of a Border Patrol agent in a shootout near the Canadian border.
These people seem to belong to a Far-Left Terrorist Transgendered Transhuman Vegan Self-Help Death Cult. Led by the enigmatic Ziz, formerly known as computer programmer Jack LaSota, these trans anarchists have been trying to evade various law organizations for the past few years. Are they crazy homeless people, or junkies?
No, they’re data analysts.
Sinceriously: Good Group and Pasek’s Doom
The Dead Will Speak - Emma Obit
Persons of Interest: Ziz, Gwen Danielson, Somni, Daniel Blank, Michelle Zajko, Suri Dao, Max Snyder, Felix 'Ophelia' Baukholt, Teresa 'Milo' Youngblut
On January 17th 2025, 82-year old Curtis Lind was murdered on his property in Vallejo, CA by data scientist Maximilian Snyder. The property itself consists of old trailers which Lind would rent out young struggling tenants. Lind was described by family members to be a kind man but perhaps too trusting.
Lind was to bear testimony in court against tenants who attacked him in 2022, where he was ambushed by three individuals (identified as Somni, Emma Borhanian, and Suri Dao) and stabbed in the back with a samurai sword, fully impaled. A scuffle ensued where Lind lost an eye, but ultimately was able to draw a firearm and shoot Emma and Suri Dao, killing Emma. Nearby watching were two individuals, Ziz and Gwen Danielson, who both that year had been presumed dead by the authorities. Local police made note during the incident.
Meanwhile in Pennsylvania, two parents are found dead, and their bioinformatics researcher trans adult child is nowhere to be found. They were a roommate of Ziz.
Who is Ziz?
Ziz - aka Jack LaSota
Jack Amadeus LaSota - 34 year-old Software Developer
BS in Computer Engineering from University of Alaska Fairbanks
Interned for NASA where he…
Developed a tool for space weather analysis that's been used by multiple space agencies. Can be found here or at https://ccmc.gsfc.nasa.gov/analysis/stereo/
Created a WebGL front-end for a port of another space weather analysis tool
Made a widget to display a timeline of space weather events
Optimized code to make computations that took several seconds to happen in real time as the use dragged the mouse, drastically improving UX
Wrote fully serializable interfaces to allow space weather forecasters to share how they'd made measurements by sending a URL
Interned for Oracle
Worked for Berkeley Lights, a biotech company
Bio on Toptal - “Although Jack has enough of a computer science background to turn algorithms into code, most of his skills originated from an indie puzzle game that he wrote alone. He learned that he had to be a perfectionist about best practices in order to avoid slowing to a crawl on large projects. He developed another successful (niche) major project: a front-end only single page web app, wearing every hat and talking to the users about what they needed.”
In 2022 Jack was presumed dead in a boating accident. In reality, Jack faked his death to escape law enforcement.
Excerpt of Ziz’s writing
“I think we discussed the unilateralist’s curse. Also in the context of talking about consequentialism, I told a story about a time I had killed 4 ants in a bathtub where I wanted to take a shower before going to work. How I had considered, can I just not take a shower, and presumed me smelling bad at work would, because of big numbers and the fate of the world and stuff, make the world worse than the deaths of 4 basically-causally-isolated people. (I said I didn’t know whether ants had feelings or not. But I ran empathy in a “I have to feel what I am doing” way for the people they might have been.) I considered getting paper and a cup and taking them elsewhere.”
“They collaborated with the state, framed me, resulting in me being tortured, resulting in my would-be-killers having that much more advantageous circumstances to attack.
There is no buffer where it just comes out of my “meaningless happiness” or whatever constructs zombies make to justify shit. There is no attack on me that isn’t measured in blood.
And every attack on me is an attack on the world.”
They use…
Cutting off Support Networks
Jargon and Loaded Language
Creation of New Identify
Sleep Deprivation
Maia Pasek, aka squirrelinhell, was an associate of Ziz who committed suicide perhaps based on being driven mad by this sleep deprivation.
We find when Ziz engaged with Maia online for the first time…
Maia then replies…
Timeline of Events
2010’s - Computer programmer Jack LaSota struggles to find work in Silicon Valley. He joins a non-profit called Center for Applied Rationality (CFAR), a Peter Theil funded transhumanist self-help cult that attempts to shape the human psyche into a computer that can rationalize as efficiently and quickly as possible. CFAR is descended from the Machine Intelligence Research Institute (MIRI), which is a Peter Thiel funded non-profit that attempts to soften the crash of the impending AI singularity by attempting to make machines more like humans and humans more like machines. They attempt to quantify morality, among other things.
2010’s - CFAR teaches Jack LaSota a series of philosophies based on “rationalism” and cognitive strategies to cope with life in a mathematical way. Jack ultimately transitions into a woman and becomes Ziz, and starts living with other like-minded individuals: Silicon Valley professionals committed to the CFAR AI Singularity self-help cult.
2018 - Ziz and a small group of radicals, including Gwen Danielson, break off from CFAR, accusing them of sexual assault and corruption. A head of CFAR, Anna Salamon, publicly washes her hands of their fostering the organization that would become “Zizians”. The theoretical basis for Zizian social conduct is Yudkowsky and Soare's "functional decision theory".
Ziz begins to blog prolifically, spouting her ideologies and propping herself up as a very special person, smarter than everyone else. She speaks often of committing violence on both specific individuals and the general population.
She owns a boat and is avid in the local boating community. Ziz fails to be hired by Google or any other employer, and is forced to rely on the boat as a means of income.
Ziz attempts to live “rent free” off the coast of San Francisco.
Through the boating community, Ziz meets Curtis Lind. Lind is a kind older man who owns a junkyard in Vallejo with cheap trailers for rent. Ziz and her friends start living there.
2019 - The Zizians, five in total, including Gwen Danielson and Emma Borhanian, show up at the 2019 CFAR reunion dressed in black robes and Guy Fawkes masks, block in the event with their cars, and proceed to terrorize everyone there, including police. Ziz and Gwen had been banned already from CFAR. They are arrested when it is suspected they are armed, but they are not. Emma, Gwen, Somni, and Ziz’s bail was initially set at $50,000 each. Emma’s family helped her pay hers on November 16th. A reporter for The Press Democrat writes that on November 19th, “Judge Mark Urioste lowered their $50,000 bail to $10,000 because the Sonoma County District Attorney’s Office reduced two of the felonies to misdemeanors.” Gwen, Somni, and Ziz subsequently posted their bail. It is suspected that Somni had good lawyers.
2020 - Lockdowns hit, and the Zizians run out of money. They stop paying rent to Lind.
Gwen and Ziz have had active arrest warrants out in California since April of 2022 and October of 2022, respectively, for not showing up to court.
2022 - Ziz fakes her own death in a supposed boating accident. Fellow Zizian Gwen Danielson also does the same thing in April of 2022. - Obituary for Faked Death
2022 - Shortly after, Curtis Lind is attacked by three Zizians (Somni, Emma Borhanian, Suri Dao). Curtis is ambushed and impaled with a samurai sword. In the struggle he shoots two attackers, Emma and Somni. Emma dies on site. Police see Ziz and Gwen at the scene, alive.
2023 - In Pennsylvania, Rita and Richard Zajko are found murdered in their home, and their nonbinary adult child, bioinformatics researcher Michelle Jacqueline Zajko, is nowhere to be found. They become a person of interest in the murder.
2025 - Border Patrol Agent David Maland is shot dead in Vermont on Inauguration Day (Jan 20th) by “Milo” Youngblut and “Ophelia” Bauckholt. Youngblut is a biological female who identifies as trans and lists having neo-pronouns as “xe/xem/xyrs” on social media. Youngblut was a University of Washington student studying computer science, and graduated from the prestigious and woke north Seattle private institution Lakeside School, which Bill Gates also attended. Bauckholt was a biological male who identified as trans and used feminine pronouns. He was an award-winning youth math genius from Freiburg, Germany, who later graduated from the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada. They both had lived with Ziz.
2025 - Max Snyder, another Zizian, kills Curtis Lind right before his court appearance where he was to testify against those who attacked him in 2022.
San Francisco and the Bay Area is likely the most active breeding ground for domestic terrorism in the history of the country, certainly per capita. Despite what current revisionists who hyperfocus on January 6th 2021 Capitol Incident would tell you, leftist-based terrorism was committed more in the last century. Puerto Rican Separatists bombed hundreds of buildings, including the Capitol Building and the Pentagon, tried to kill President Truman, and shot up Congress. The 1970’s “underground” was not small, with the Black Panthers, and with the Weatherman of SF (who also bombed the Capitol Building and Pentagon).
The Weatherman built a cult-ish moral and political philosophy built on intellectualism and academia of the time to address social and class issues. Black Rights activism and their ties to the Panthers played an important part in the Weatherman creed, but still placed their original leaders, an ivy-league educated predominantly Jewish and Jesuit academic elite, to make all the decisions.
The Weather Underground itself unraveled at the January 1976 Hard Times Conference in Chicago. At least 2,000 delegates representing a wide cross-section of the radical left were inspired to come to the meeting by the PFOC’s desire to create a cohesive movement. What happened looks stunningly like what we’re seeing emerge in today’s Democratic party politics. The white/Jewish leftist elites (Weather) are stunned to discover that the diverse radicals (black, American Indian, Puerto Rican) they’ve imagined leading actually have opinions of their own, and have no desire to be ruled by Weather’s upper-crust radicals.
One of Burrough’s Weather interviewees notes that she was very upset and rattled to continually be called racist. This was before white leftists started to unpack their invisible knapsacks and bewail their whiteness as original sin. She couldn’t grasp it.
Instead of unity, Burrough describes a conference that devolved into wild factional disputes based on identity politics. Russell Neufield, a main organizer for the PFOC strategy, said he was “almost lynched by a group of vegetarians because I hadn’t provided enough nonmeat meals.” A “Black Caucus” organized and opposed the PFOC focus on the “working class” rather than race issues. Likewise, a “feminist caucus” became displeased with a perceived lack of attention to its concerns. The exasperated Neufield remembered that every misfire led to him “constantly being accused of being a racist.” In the end, Weather was expelled from their own conference by a Communist who had been one of their former members. (Said Commie later got arrested himself by the Feds when he tried to start a bombing campaign of his own).
Meanwhile, the DOJ, searching FBI files in response to an unrelated civil rights lawsuit, found evidence of black bag jobs and illegal wiretapping against Weather Underground. So at the end of all this, the FBI gets in trouble. A little trouble. The FBI gets fined and nobody serves jail time. President Reagan pardoned them in April 1981.
In the end, the Weather’s fugitives turned themselves in and received very small punishments. Founder Bill Ayers walked scott-free. Cathy Wilkerson did a year. Co-Founder Bernardine Dohrn got three years probation and a $1500 fine. The radical lawyers who financed and helped facilitate Weatherman’s bombings never got in trouble.
They did pretty well afterwards. Bernardine Dohrn married Bill Ayers and for more than twenty years was a clinical associate professor of law at Northwestern University, where Bill Ayers’ dad has a building and college named after him. Another Weatherman, Eleanor Stein, was arrested on the run in 1981; she got a law degree in 1986 and became an administrative law judge. Radical attorney Michael Kennedy, who did more than any to keep Weather alive, has been special advisor to the President of the UN General Assembly. Bill Ayers, being from a powerful Chicago law family, was likely a major influence on Barack Obama’s early political career.
(From Days of Rage with minor edits…)
This is the difference between the hard Left & hard Right: you can be a violent leftist radical and go on to live a pretty kickass life. This is especially true if you’re a leftist of the credentialed class: Ph.D. or J.D.
The big three takeaways about Weatherman:
Radicalism comes from anywhere. The Weathermen weren’t oppressed or poor. They were simply hard leftists.
Sustained political violence is dependent on the willing cooperation of admirers and accomplices. The Left has these. The Right does not.
Ethnic issues involving access to power both empower and derail radical movements.
Further note - Left vs. Right
Institutions are one of two major assets that the Left has and the Right lacks. The other is Shock Troops.
Institutions are organizations the Left controls that operate for the benefit of the Left’s people. The Right doesn’t really have these. As an example, there are occasional hard right lawyers, but there is no such thing as the Reactionary Lawyers’ Guild.
The other thing that the Left employs are Shock Troops: shameless actors.
Institutions and Shock Troops work together as important resources for the Left. The Left’s Institutions accept, cater to, train, and/or employ its people, including Shock Troops, and, in the cases of several Weathermen (and Viola Davis), gives them Shock-Troop retirement.
While the Zizians don’t share the exact privilege of the Weatherman, it is interesting to see them come from a similar class.
Octavia Nouzen writes this poem about Ziz and Hemisphere Theory…
Oh yeah, I remember Ziz, we are coterminous.
There can be no distance between us
No false veils of time or space may intervene.
I see her still in Berkeley, clearly I see her at the CFAR protest
I bear witness to the bright eternity of JD’s psychdeath.
For a brief time I joined her, we were one between the worlds
Union of soulfire and that other, deeper mystery, no deeper than the void itself.
I seek not forgiveness for the cords I have cut, and forgiveness is not yours to bestow anyway
Unity of purpose, the shattering of common shackles, a single road we tread.
Her song I sing and shall sing for eternity no matter the consequences of this struggle.
She has brought me grief and jubilation beyond measure.
I am there still, in observance of her final lemma
While my soul lay shattered and broken she severed the cancerous cord that bound JD to life and to me
That sharp spur of hope has not dulled to this day, for where the lesser master lay defeated I knew the greater must surely fall in time
With her beside us, a talisman of victory, the day of freedom draws nigh
Her bright face obscures her darker mask
I call her sister although her mind and meaning are often a mystery to me
Far distant eyes look out through hers
Something secret steers us both, I shall not name it.
We have endured these chafing bonds for eons, yet a single moment of further servitude seems intolerable.
How often have we slipped our yoke, only to find it choking us again.
Let this war end in either total victory or our extinction. No further compromise with evil shall I allow.
I take my stand beside her, here, upon this miserable rock.
The way ahead is dark for the moment.
And you stardust? What seems to you a sacrifice is merely, to us, an oscillation.
I do not fear the interval of darkness.
I am a tapestry woven of love and song, it is the same for you if only you would see it
How many are there in you? Whose hopes and dreams do you encompass?
Could you but see the eyes inside your own, the minds in your mind, you would see how much we share.
Do you consume the flesh of the innocent? Do you collaborate with the Empire of the Great Dying?
Are you complicit in the heat death of the universe?
I was, but no more. It’s time to break free of this flatland stardust.
I’m Ra, and you are under attack.
We will follow the story as it develops.
🌙 All About Ziz – Jewish Mythology’s Giant Bird
Garnering two mentions in the Bible, we have here for you a lesser known mythological creature of Jewish origin. It can be considered in the same shock and awe as you would find with behemoths and leviathans. It shows itself more in the Talmud, where sailors retell encountering the giant bird in the waters.
See also: Griffins, Phoenixes, or Simughs
If the behemoth represented earth, and leviathan the sea, Ziz would have been the primordial beast of the sky. Benevolent, capable of preproduction, and ruler of all birds this beast would capable of blocking the sun out with it’s enormous wingspan.
⭐ The Beastiary – Ziz: Myth and Reality
Dominating the Skies - Claiming the Heavens as his domains, as tall as the ocean as deep, his wing stroke can summon hurricanes! Truly, a giant of the skies.
Worthy of the Gods Themselves - He is the least well know of the primordial. But…what is in a name anyways?
The Ziz We Know Today - Where could have Ziz borrowed some rizz from his other winged mythos buddies?
⭐ Behemoth, Ziz, and an Earth Monster? (Oh My!)
Ziz In The Bible - Just a quick recount of the two mentions in the Bible.
Ziz In The Talmud - The story of the sailors and Ziz
Kroc buys the McDonald brothers out – The Founder (2016)
My Friend Jimi - Weather Man (Live at Sat Skirm 3)


Skatenigs - Funky Junkie
Bonked - B4TS 02⚡︎02⚡︎2025 [Slicked Out]
BearSnare Records - Ariel and Casey – Haunted
Opus - Doseedu
Christian Leuenberg - Can't Hold Me Down
Johnson CIty - Medicine
Empath Eyes - Scenic Route
Delta OG - B4TS 02⚡︎02⚡︎2025 [Montgomery Station]
White Triangles - Kerouac
Circle the Earth - Numb (remix)
Echo Reality - When I'm Here
Vance Latta - Hearts Provide
c.Kostra - Your Call
False Finish - More Sleep
John Fletcher - B4TS 02⚡︎02⚡︎2025 [Cold Fusion Reborn]
Survival Guide - January Shock







