Tonight’s Tarot:
Five Of Wands – Linestrider Tarot Deck
Freaks of Hazard:
SirCrossStich scooped up a nice cool 5.33 monthly! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
MakeHeroism for a coleslew of memes, thanks brah!
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Boo-Bury has been recruited by OpenMike and Adam Curry to build a boostable sign for the upcoming Boostagram Ball. Let’s check in on his progress…

Billionaires, huh? Can’t live with them, can’t live without ‘em.
The Christmas holiday season may bring comfort and joy, but it can also bring stress and financial burdens. It’s safe to say our current world is feeling the strain of certain socio-economic factors. In our post-9/11 post-COVID post-MMT post-modern world, absurdities are sure to rise from the mundane.
What’s been going on?
Universal Health CEO assassinated, the first broad daylight assassination since uhh…
Discovering the identity of the killer is America’s current pastime
We reflect upon Bill Gates being mobbed in the UK on his way to visit the PM in 2021
💻 Bill Gates 1 - UK
Alleged Rockefeller dies in a fire - ABC7 gives us a scoop
🪙 Rothschild 1 - Mystery 🔥
We dig into the Jewish Tunnels Incident which occurred one year ago
A strange event indeed
🕴️ Tunnels 1 - The Trouble Starts
🕴️ Tunnels 2 - Pepper Spray
On January 8, 2024, clashes broke out at the World Headquarters of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement, a synagogue located at 770 Eastern Parkway in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, as construction workers, on behalf of the synagogue's leaders, attempted to fill in a tunnel that “students” had illegally dug beneath the building. The New York City Police Department was called to intervene and began to search these tunnels, which caused the Jewish worshippers present to riot and attempt to hide what they had done.
What is Hasidic Judaism?
Hasidism or Hasidic Judaism is an Orthodox Jewish religious movement that arose in the 18th century as a spiritual revival movement in contemporary Western Ukraine before spreading rapidly throughout Eastern Europe. Today, most of those affiliated with the movement, known as hassidim, reside in Israel and in the United States (mostly Brooklyn and Rockland County, New York).
🕴️ Tunnels 3 - Jews in Brooklyn
As stated, the main Jewish temple New York is at 770 Eastern Parkway in Crown Heights, Brooklyn. The place was run for decades by a rabbi named Schneerson. Under his leadership, their specific branch of Judaism became one of the biggest orthodox groups in the world. He spent his life saying the Messiah was just around the corner. Schneerson then dies in 1994, and suddenly a bunch of these guys think he was the Messiah.
A rift occurs.
🕴️ Tunnels 4 - Strange Story
This movement is not much different from the radical Jewish sect that 2000 years ago made a Messiah out of a carpenter from Nazareth.
The most important temple in New York is at 770
When Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson assumed the leadership of the Chabad-Lubavitch community in 1951, he delivered a seminal public address, which set the movement’s guiding principle for the next seven decades: “We are the last generation. It is our job to bring Moshiach” – the Hebrew term for the Messiah.
In the years that followed, Chabad Hasidim were animated by various initiatives they were tasked with by Schneerson, but none more so than the notion that the Messiah was everything. It was time. We must bring him. He must come. He will come. And it will be in our lifetime.
Happy Holidays you beautiful bastards
In Other News…
Syria’s Assad Regime Allegedly Overthrown
What a wild time to be in the tape trading game! Stumbled across this VHS gem from the late 80’s/early 90’s……It’s exactly what it sounds like. Here are the top 10 commandants I took away from young Anthony here when body snatching.
⭐ Grave Robbing for Morons
It’s Long Like That That - Healthy jaw healthy life! You’ll want some spring for max action. Sometimes it’s hard to find that jaw when it gets all stretched out.
Let It Bleed Down - Here comes the washing, but soft bones! Don’t your bones soak too long, and definitely don’t paint them with bleach. You wanna see the cracks baby! It looks much better when it’s real.
It’ll Look Beautiful - Make your bones beautioful by soaking them in the Sun!
Sounding Crisp - Use your brains and find older graves, there’s less to clean!
Never Leave Witnesses - Always have a nice dark bag with you too. Don’t want people seeing the shape.
Master The Elements - Pay attention to the weather, and we also cross compare winter vs summertime.
No Records - Definitely don’t film any evidence of you activities.
Think Of It As A Prop - If you’re dealing with freshish skin, you’ll definitely want to have a knife with you. It might also be beneficial to keep reminding yourself that it is just a broke.
Keep Switching Channels - You dig, your friend digs, we all dig it, ya dig?
It’s Virtually Easy - Don’t drink. Always ask for some money up front. You’re risking your ask so at least have fun before you get caught. However, the most integral piece of information is dropped towards the end of the clip……
Credits - lol
⭐ The 'Grave Robbing For Morons' Rabbit Hole
Ensuring Your Place In Hell is a DVD-film-collection made probably in 2010, by a anonymous person. The DVD contains 4 minimal films combined together. The films are:
Grave Robbing for Morons, Mortuary of the Dead, Cooking with Huck Botko and Exploding Varmints.
Grave Robbing for Morons film is about a young man is explaining how to rob-graves, while he is holding a human-skull. To this day the man is unidentified, and the video is most likely real.
Mortuary of the Dead film is about two men which entered a mortuary. The two men are talking Spanish, and in the video they find decapitated bodies, heads in pots, and babies inside of jars. Just like the first video, the two men are unidentified to this day, and the video is most likely real.
Cooking with Huck Botko film about Huck, the man which is getting his family to eat disgusting foods. Though this film is fabricated dye to Huck Botko being a real-life film-director, which has made films such as The Last Exorcism (2010) and Mail Order Wife (2004).
Exploding Varmints documentary film about a man explaining how to shoot innocent varmints with a gun.
🌙 Grave Robbing for Morons - My Complete update and evidence
We've Added A New Chemical To Our Water Supply
THEM TEETH - Matador off their debut album .tired
Shadow Rantings - Kolomona Myer (Sir Libre) off of release Screwing Around
Lakeside - Temples off their Self-Titled album
Ovvrdos (ft. The Wolf) - All Salsa No Chips
METAL IN THE BANJO - Sir TJ The Wrathful
12 Rods - Comfortable Situation
Bonked - B4TS 12⚡︎09⚡︎2024 [Game Show Soul Mate]
Circle the Earth - Slight Curiosity
The Retrograde - I Need a Little
Christian Leuenberg - Here For You
Matt Bigelow - Sequined Vest
HeyCitizen - Love On The Radio (early edit)
Temples - B4TS 12⚡︎09⚡︎2024 [Din]
Rock'n'Roll Submarines - Nobody Cares
The Satellite Skirmish - $2 Holla - Roscoe Perkins
The Harden Project - Fat Cat Catepillar
Mellow Cassette - Expecting the Worst
Herbivore - Campfire Remedy
Longy - The Underclass (Live)
Temples - B4TS 12⚡︎09⚡︎2024 [Jabu]
M & The 501s - My Man Hates Christmas