S01E95: Love, Ben Franklin
Tarot: https://labyrinthos.co/blogs/tarot-card-meanings-list/six-of-pentacles-meaning-tarot-card-meanings
Freaks of Hazard:
Mitch from Podserve helped us go live in app! VERY COOL. VERY LEGAL! Check us out here! https://podverse.fm/podcast/xbIRUfcRkG1
Hello there KS! Could be Foxfur? They came in with their monthly donation of $5.00! Thank you very kindly!
DoubleThought came in again with $3.33! He’s on the newsletter train just like we are so you should take the newsletter pill here and sign up for the Double Thought Dimension newsletter!
We got two emails, the first from No Beret. He asked if Adam Curry had been on our show as of late to talk about Flat Earth. I am curious what show he did recently that No Beret thought we were.
Second email comes from JB. They sent a pic and said:
“Just finished listening to the furry segment of the latest show and the pondering about Ukrainian furries. It turns out, there seems to be a strong furry community there. Ukrainian FurForce International is one of their social handles. I have no idea if the attached image is legitimate, but who knows these days.”
Tjunta also sent us a PLETHORA of tanky isos! Very legal!
Rev Doc Phifer, fresh Freak, hit us with an inversion! That number is $9.99!
makeheroism sent us that banger closing track for the intermission!
Profits and Bodily Harm - A Short Tale of the Business of Science
One scientist held to blame - Midgley
“A One Man Environmental Disaster” - New Scientist
Lead in fuel, causing a wide spectrum of harm, including lowering global intelligence
Outlawed in US after studied by Clair Patterson among others
Outlawed in Algeria in 2021
Still used in piston-driven planes
CFCs destroying the ozone, causing skin cancer and cataracts
Market Watch
Black Monday was anticipated by some today
Last week was a slaughterfest
This year has been terrible
However, today was not Black Monday. The bleeding has stopped…
… for now
Podcasting 2.0 Episode 83: Pushin' Paper
Two co-founders of the Russian based cryonics company KrioRus are battling over dozens of frozen brains. This past September, founder Valerija Udalova attempted to steal with frozen remains after a disagreement with her “husband” Danila Medvedev (not legally married, more of a domestic thing). It’s a he sad she said situation because both claim ownership to the body parts. After splitting off and founding her own company, she came back to KrioRus, cut thru a metal wall, and loaded the Dewar tanks onto a truck. She was stopped by police.
“Both sides now argue they are the rightful owner of 50 frozen brains and 26 frozen bodies, according to the Daily Beast, a bizarre spat that doesn’t exactly paint a rosy picture of an already scientifically dubious practice.
Medvedev told the outlet Udalova was “holding these patients hostage,” while she argued that the seizure was entirely justified.”
When Futurism reached out to Udalova to ask her about the September heist last year, she described the move as entirely necessary for her business. “The dewars were almost full, but the demand is growing,” Udalova told Futurism at the time. “It was planned for a long time and we moved the dewars as soon as the new facility could accommodate the dewars.”
The bodies eventually made their way back to the original warehouse. Meanwhile, Medvedev told the Daily Beast that Udalova sent “Chechen bandits to my apartment, trying to scare me into giving up control.” Udalova claims she wasn’t behind that visit, saying it may have instead been some of her “fans.”
Then, late last year, Udalova took back control of the bodies, according to the report, with Medvedev claiming she damaged the tanks in the process. Making matters even weirder is the fact that Russian law forbids anybody from actually owning another person’s body, with Russian law enforcement operating in a regulatory vacuum. The current whereabouts of the brains is still unknown. But that may not even matter anymore at this point. Chances are, they, and the frozen bodies, are essentially slush at this point.
Futurism poopoos on cryogenics. The End…?
How to Cheat Death and Freeze Time in Russia 1 Built On Hope - We are our brain. An introduction to the belief set of this cryogenics company. Spoiler alert, it’s built on suffering. In the end tho, it’s all about choice.
How to Cheat Death and Freeze Time in Russia 2 What Is The Singularity - You can choose high end facilities in the USA, or, you can go the cheaper route outside of Moscow. Welcome to KrioRus, and now, a brief word from our sponsor known as the singularity.
How to Cheat Death and Freeze Time in Russia 3 The First Transhumanist - Some of this video is subbed for the native Russian that is spoke. Things mentioned by the founder is that they will achieve their goals via technology. What do they want? Eternal life, omnipotence, and a safe singularity. “For transhumanists, this goal is entirely practical”. They started their journey back in 2000 but really meant it. Here’s some history now of the transhumanist movement. Feels like it should get cancelled.
How to Cheat Death and Freeze Time in Russia 4 Food and Sex is Overrated - Lots of folks are recruited thru seminars it seems. It’s very culty. Going around getting contracts for immortality signed. During these speeches the founder of this company talks about researching nanotechnology, defending humanity from an unfriendly AI, basically everything everyone needs for a bright future. Time for the Grand Vision. Also some sweet body modification. Also also food and sex sucks.
How to Cheat Death and Freeze Time in Russia 5 The Big Club - “I wanna do it for my friends.”
The Last Tweet and Strange Case of Val Broeksmit
Missing 45-Year-Old Male NR21113ti - LAPD Online
Val, 45, disappeared on April 6th 2021. He was last seen around Riverside Drive in LA with his Red Mini Cooper.
Deutsche Bank Whistleblower Vanishes
His girlfriend Marie Peter-Toltz found his car with the keys still in the ignition.
Val’s father Bill Broeksmit, a high level exec for Deutsche Bank, committed suicided in 2014. Val made several attempts over the years to release his father’s trove of documents and emails to implicate DB in money schemes. He worked for a NYT writer, David Enrich, for several years which culminated in the book Dark Towers. However, Val had several huge beefs about his portrayl from the times which we will touch on.
In 2019, he was subpoenaed by the House Intelligence Committee for his documents relating to Russia and also began cooperating with the FBI that year into their money-laundering probe into Deutsche Bank. Broeksmit had contact with the FBI as recently as the fall of 2020, according to a source familiar with the situation, who didn’t further elaborate.
Federal informant found dead on high school campus - Welp, they found him alright.
Federal informant Valentin Broeksmit found dead on El Sereno high school's campus
He was found dead at Woodrow Wilson High School in El Sereno on April 25th 2022 at around 6:40am. Police said there was no video of him arriving on campus (of course) and they were unsure how long he had been there. No COD has been announced.
A “self described ‘comically terrible spy’”, he was active on twitter during his disappearance.
Investigative Journo Scott Stedman, author on the Forensic News pieces, tweeted he guessed it was because of a drug overdose. He does not suspect foul play.
Alleged boots on the ground witness at the school post scene. Bring out the power washer!
There’s a long thread out there with folks diving into these comments. Something seemed off to them, so they looked into it. There’s a pizza party sort of theme hidden here as this “kid who likes coffee” user used to be called Typical_Loli. In short, anons believed these comments up above to be clandestine conversations meant to steer the narrative.
Wait, he showed back up on the radar before his death!
Val Broeksmit, Deutsche Bank, and the Birth of a New Conspiracy Theory
How many memes can you spot throughout the night? Bring in the spooky bangers. He was arrested earlier in the month for possession of a “ghost” gun, and had also received a restraining order from Brewery Artist Complex which is a type of artist’s commune. The reason? “A continuing pattern of unlawful and harassing conduct occurring over a significant period.”
The cops I guess saw a bullet sitting in his front seat when they responded to call where Val seemed to be attempting to break into his old loft at the BAC.
Evicted 3/21/22, arrested 4/9/22, released and then returned to the spot 4/13/22, restraining order filed 9/14/22, found dead 4/25/22.
This tweet seems to corroborate the barricading situation. Amateur sleuth caught some fuckin neighborhood watch app thing.
Note the discrepancy of dates, as Vice claims he was arrested the 9th, but this app shows he had his showdown with the cops on the 6th; a year to date when he “disappeared”.
The shit involving David Enrich
Val hated the title, and in turn the representation in this article. Calls David a stalker, because David contacted him first on the day of his father’s day, several times in various interviews. Said that Enrich really went out of his way to paint Val as a unreliable, drug addled, get quick rich minded fellow. Also, cool “Red Tie” ref in relation to the death of Bill Broeksmit.
Imagine you turn on the television (@BikiniRobotArmy Hate Tweet Thread About NYT Writer)
Horrible audio quality equals no clips (tell you the truth I didn’t even get a chance to listen fully thru this). Allegedly, this is the only episode from the NYT’s podcast that was never released because of how much Val butt slammed David here.
The shit involving Scott Stedman
Forensic News Special Report: Deutsche Bank Whistleblower Val Broeksmit
Things of interest: Born in Kiev, immigrated at the age of 1. Grandfather was a member of the Communist Party, was a WWII hero that helped liberate Minsk. Grandmother sold off a lot of the GF’s medals on the black market to get funds to flee the country. Immigrated to Chicago where his parents split. Then he spent the age of 5 to 10 in three different foster homes. Then his mother married Bill Broeksmit and he rejoined the family.
Forensic News 1 Friends of the Family - Fun name drop for those in the know.
Sounds like Bill helped mass produce derivative swaps. Broeksmit’s memo was featured in a bankruptcy case for Orange County back in the 90’s as well.
Forensic News 2 Special Advisor to Counter Intelligence - What exactly was your job title?
Forensic News 3 My Friend Moby - It’s a tight knit circle full of all sorts of charcters!
Forensic News 4 Dan The Man (Bonus) - Details talking to the DOJ for the first time.
Forensic News 5 Meeting Adam Schiff (Bonus) - and the super awkward interview that followed.
Forensic News 6 We're Here to Catch Bad Guys (Bonus) - DOJ ended up subpoenaing him after all this, but this is when the FBI swooped back in.
He details meeting Enrich blah blah blah, writes to DOJ in 2016, meets with FBI in 2018. Big game of cloak and dagger with double and triple checking contacts, not signing into the fed building so Val had no record of being there for a meeting. He was a big fanboi of these suits. One thing leads to another and via a famous friend he ends up in contact with an attorney from Schiff’s office. Dan Goldman directs him to Schiff, but Schiff wont take the documents. The bounce around leads Val to work with the FBI and eventually asking the DOJ to subpoena him.
Forensic News 7 Hungry Journo - How does he know all these people.
Forensic News 7B Meet My Handler - Conclusion to above clip.
Forensic News 8 Fusion GPS - Introducing Glenn Simpson from Fusion GPS
Forensic News 9 Party Hard - Scandalous!
Forensic News 10 Final Thoughts on What’s Funny - What’s so funny about this? Truth wanting to come out?
Glenn Simpson story. Peggy Young is a personal friend, a sort of surrogate mother. VTB and Oligarch chasin’.
Trump Deutsche Bank Loans Underwritten By Russian State-Owned Bank, Whistleblower Told FBI
See podcast below for insight into this article.
Also: “Forensic News is not confirming the underlying claim that VTB, or a high-profile client of VTB, underwrote Trump’s loans from Deutsche Bank. Forensic News can, however, confirm that at least some of Trump’s loans were issued by a bank subsidiary with business ties to VTB.”
Scott Stedman & Val Broeksmit – Episode 145 / Counterpunch Podcast
Didn’t listen, but it’s here! (Oh wait, it’s about breaking the news that VBT, a Russian state owned oligarch bank, underwrote loans to Trump via DB during sanctions against Russia. Kinda boring tbh.)
The shit involving Fusion GPS
Glenn Simpson, from Fusion GPS, paid Val between 4-5 grand (depending on who you ask) for information and dirt for dealings between Trump and DB. Sadly, the info was nothing new and didn’t really shed light on anything (again, subject to who you’re talking to).
They spent a couple of days first going thru the info, and then partying it up with a lot of drugs! Woo-hoo!
See twitter thread above for Val “slamming” Glenn in various ways. Goes on to call him a liar and a dick. Val also mentions Perkins Coie in a tweet, which shows up in Durham’s legal thingy linked below.
Durham's latest: He has hundreds of e-mails between Fusion GPS and reporters
Durham is filling against the DNC, Fusion GPS, Hillary for America for their alleged use of using Fusion GPS not for legal advice, but instead for using Fusion GPS to fabricate stories about the Trump campaign. Like the Steele Dossier.
Lots and lots of email receipts, too much to get into here but it is linked. Names of note that show up are Schiff and Glenn Simpson, both of which are people Val had meetings with.
Overall vibe? Feels like Val was about to flip for Durham. Tho, he was very much a TDS sort of fellow so it’s hard to say.
Well shit, what else had Val gotten into?
Val on Fox News Discuses the Sony Hack 1 It's Not North Korea - Val was on record several times saying it was not NK.
Val on Fox News Discuses the Sony Hack 2 Lawyer Up - That sounds like a threat.
The Sony Hack 1 How Val Got In - This is just weird.
A tweet that didn’t age well.
Tweets that made me go “como say what?” from his girlfriend.
Octopus of Global Control Vibes. F.
There I Ruined It · 3-30 Muhh Tuhh Tsehh Hey!