S01E89: 30 Minutes To Red Square
Tarot: https://tarotx.net/tarot-card-meanings/linestrider-tarot/ten-of-swords.html
Freaks of Hazard:
Fletcher continues with his monthly support of $5.55! TYFYC and boostchain Hog Story!
SirVo and Cottongin gave Gal a little lovin and now she’s got more secrets!
Special edition isos from none other than Spaz!
Frozen Gun
Mainstream Media (Sort Of) Acknowledge that the Hunter Biden Laptop is real
Source of Paul Pelosi Jr. photo
SirVo Presents: The Tavistock Institute https://stillnessinthestorm.com/2018/10/terror-as-elite-mind-control-tavistock-institutes-war-on-the-mind/
This Week’s NY Times Laughable Op Ed - Deaf, Dumb, Blind
Wait until the investigation is done!
Investigation? I have the photos, everyone does. Go to 4chan, there are hundreds of photos from this guy’s laptop. I’ll post a few here but I don't want to, they are very sick. Pictures of Hunter fucking prostitutes in the ass while smoking crack. After 4 years of them putting a finger up Trump’s ass every time he opened his gob, Hunter gets a pass? Trump’s kids have to face scrutiny for the rest of their lives, but Hunter, who actually has committed egregious crimes, doesn’t? The Biden family is turning out to be everything the Trump haters wanted him and his family to be: degenerate psychos who use poor people as objects of sex and control. We have real evidence, easily the most damning elite sex scandals in, oh, a couple years since Epstein was killed or whatever happened there.
Merely the center of a massive beautifully architected metropolis
The Lost Citadel Of Angkor Wat | The City Of God Kings | Timeline
Mercury Could Be Littered With Diamonds
According to science, Mercury’s early years may have led to it having a diamond encrusted surface. Asteroids crashing into the planet may have compressed the graphite present hard enough into diamonds. “The pressure wave from asteroids or comets striking the surface at tens of kilometers per second could transform that graphite into diamonds,” says Kevin Cannon, a geologist at the Colorado School of Mines, who presented his latest findings at the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in Houston last Thursday. “You could have a significant amount of diamonds near the surface.”
It orbits the Sun every 88 days, and rotates every 59. During the day temps can reach 800 degrees and sink to -290f during the night because of the lack of atmosphere. The planet has an ample presence of carbon in the form of graphite. 4 billion years ago it received an extreme barrage of asteroids known as the Late Heavy Bombardment period. Mercury took twice as many impacts as our Moon.
During the forming of the planet when there was oceans of magma present, graphite floated to the surface. That layer could have been upwards of 300 ft thick. 30 to 60 percent of the carbon present, according to Cannon, could have been turned into what he calls “shock diamonds”. Potentially equaling 16 quadrillion tons. However, they would most likely be “minuscule, scattered, and buried”. Womp womp.
Other research supports this idea. The meteorite that hit the Nubian Desert in 2008 contained micro diamonds, which may be from previous collisions with other space rocks. Granted, the graphite is “believed” to have been witness due to photographs taken by the Messenger spacecraft. False color maps show “low reflectance material” believed to be graphite.
Typically, most carbon ends up in a planets core with other metals that have sank. Like on Earth, where diamonds form way underground with heat and pressure. “Temperature and commuting issues aside, space miners probably won’t want to head to Mercury anytime soon, despite the copious carbon that allowed crystal creation. That’s because the diamonds are probably impure. “You’ll end up with a messy mixture of graphite, diamond, and maybe some other phases as well, so you won’t have nice, beautiful crystals that you could polish up and put on a ring,” Cannon says.”
There’s also another theory that Mercury used to be much bigger based off the size of it’s core. “Some scientists believe” that surface was whittled away by impacts. As it stands now Mercury is 18th the mass of Earth, but “simulations” predict it could have been .3 to .8 Earth masses. European and Japanese space agencies launched orbiters in 2018 and will arrive in 2025. The high resolution cameras that use longer wavelengths will highlight more direct signs of diamonds.
Good News: Daffodils Are The Worst 1 Cold Blood Killers - Daffodils are literally the worst.
Good News: Daffodils Are The Worst 2 The Vase Effect - Some science about the daffodil and how it can be toxic to other plants. Just put it in a separate fucking vase.
Good News: Daffodils Are The Worst 3 But Wait There’s More - Maybe save this towards the end of the daffodil conversation. It’s good.
King Alfred the Daffodil 1 The Gold Standard - A bit of info about the daffodil named after the first Anglo-Saxon king Alfred.
King Alfred the Daffodil 2 Why Grow It - Like a living museum.
Blooms and Borders: How Daffodils Reveal Historic Building Foundations
Daffodils only grow thru bulb division. Humans must move the plant in propagation, as birds don’t carry any seeds for them. “This can help historic preservationists identify the location of previous foundations and more specifically date the settlement of historic sites”.
“John Parkinson was the first person to bring a daffodil from Spain to England in the mid-sixteenth century, and his cultivators captured the attention of gardeners. Spreading quickly in popularity, daffodils were imported to the American colonies in the early 1700s. Thomas Jefferson was fond of them and mentioned them blooming in his journal on April 6th, 1766 (see “Monticello,”
There are 40 recognized species of daffodils, with 20,000 registered cultivators. Because of this registry, the time frame of the construction of a building can be narrowed down if there are daffodils nearby. “Daffodils can also mark the presence of graves when the tombstones have fallen and the slow accumulation of dirt covers them as the decade pass”.
During the 19th century, garden parties became popular and daffodils were some of the earliest popular plants at these functions. It was a flower that was popular with many classes, from middle to upper Euro-American, to the settlers heading west planting them at their homesteads. They were nicknamed “jonquil, buttercup, scrambled eggs, and lent lily’.
“Historic preservation is a field that draws on information from many disciplines. It involves more than just looking at old buildings—even though that is one of my favorite things to do. Historic preservation teaches you how to think critically about your environment and reflect upon how people in the past shaped your surroundings. Through botany and horticulture, historic preservationists can not only narrow down the date of a site, but also learn more about the people who lived there.”
“By researching the cultivars and asking certain questions prompted by them, we can learn more about a site’s former residents. Is the cultivar rare for the place and time period, indicating the landowner’s wish to demonstrate prestige? Are there sites close to one another on the landscape that have the same cultivar, showing family or friendship connections? Do the cultivars at the home site match the cultivars at the graveyard, suggesting a long-term connection to the area? With research, some of those questions can be answered to offer us valuable insight into those who lived in our world before us.”
I’m so over the moon 1 It Was Feature On The Back Of A Silver Dollar - An alternative take on the moon landing that’s solid. But first, A brief recap of the joy of the moon being conquered by mankind.
I’m so over the moon 2 Into The Future - Introducing Eisenhower’s famous speech, and begins his argument that Castro was the most influential man for the Space Race.
I’m so over the moon 3 The Missile Gap - It’s Paperclip Time.
I’m so over the moon 4 The B-52’s (Bonus) - American strategists realized that they wouldn’t have the time to strike back if Russia attacked from Cuba. The fleet of B-52’s wouldn’t have time to react, although the Allie won WWII by strategic bombing.
I’m so over the moon 5 That’s A Big Rocket - Almost like a 12 gauge slug. I.E. good enough.
I’m so over the moon 6 Right Thru The Bedroom Window - America took a different approach. Our counterstrike was too slow. How do you get approval for closing the gap from the public?
I’m so over the moon 7 Father Brothers and Uncles - Delivering the payload of the hypothesis. It’s basically same technology. Delivered hot and fresh in 30 minutes or less.
I’m so over the moon 8 It’s All The Same - There was no way to hide the project, unless, you advertise it as a patriotic duty.
I’m so over the moon 9 We Perfected It - Job well done lads.