S01E84: Fruit Earth
Listen to the The No Agenda Valentine’s Day Skating Meetup of Love!
Freaks of Hazard:
Booleysteed has a new movie for the the watchlist! The movie is called Warning. “Nuanced movie about the repercussions for mankind when omniscient tech becomes a substitute for human contact. FYI apex of triangle used predominately.” She also sent in a donation of $13.92! Thank you so much Booley!
Sir Mani sent a donation of $26.66 (twice the mark of the beast!) and had a note:
Hey Lavish and Sir Boo,
Thanks for the great shows lately. Wish I could come to Nashvill3 and meet you all, but it's tricky with the GF and the holiday and all.
Sent you you a little something for you guys to get some extra roller rink nachos.
Ps. Say Hello to Dame Jennifer and Greg for me! Miss those guys.
Sir Mani
Qwaffy bon DustBubble sent in $3.33! Look at those magic numbers!!
Steven B gave us an official blurb for Zoso’s Corner! “It's sort of what I imagine a site would look like if The Twilight Zone and the National Enquirer had a love child.”
YOWZA! Mary Kate Ultra, of BTS jingle fame, sent in our very first row of ducks at $222.22! HALLEJUAH GOD BLESS ALL THIS MONEY! Here’s the note from MK Ultra and Make Heroism:
Dearest Boo-Berry and Lavish,
The $222.22 donation is on behalf of makeheroism and pidgeycat/marykateultra (the person typing this). Please put it towards the S01E84 (2/14) show! We wanted to commemorate your festivities with the cool cats of the NA netherworld. Hope you're having a great time!
Makeheroism expresses his appreciation through sounds, so he's going to respond to this email with a few things. But I express my appreciation through long-winded emails, so...
Short story: We moved from PA to FL in July. I moved down first and stayed in a hotel for 2 months while he tied up the loose ends in PA. Makeheroism showed me BTS in March and it ended up being the thing I fell asleep to each night while I was alone in a new state. I replayed each episode when I was awake too, of course! This summer was a lonely time, but I will always look back on it fondly because of Behind the Sch3m3s.
Lavish—You are Dudeist Garfield. Congratulations! It's a VERY Lavish way of being. Boo-Berry—you are THE ONLY Boo-Berry + an amalgamation of all Scooby-Doo characters. It's amazing.
We pulled a tarot card while asking the question "What shall the future hold for Lavish and Boo-Berry?" It's a big question. When you look back at your respective lives, what will you see? Your card ended up being X of Pentacles. The card states: "X of Pentacles represents the culmination of life's journeys. There is a sense of fulfillment that usually results from hard work in all of life's facets. This is the end of the path, and it is full of joy." I looked more into the meaning and found this: "Your legacy is sure to stand for quite a long time to come."
We couldn't agree more!
What the set-up ended up looking like.
CanadianCryptonaire - Same as Getter - Ottawa plans. Can't be shared enough - A boots on the ground rant from the Ottawa protests.
I Couldn’t Look Away!
Movie Pass 2.0 Launch 1 Personalized For You - The new preshow personalized just for you! Eat your heart out value for value! It’s your own money you’re earning!
Movie Pass 2.0 Launch 2 What's Really Cool - It’s all you baby. You opt in for this. It’s you and the brand. All eyes forward please.
MoviePass 2.0 Wants to Track Your Eyeballs to Make Sure You Watch Ads
MoviePass has been around since 2011, but really took off in 2016 when it launched a program where users could pay a flat fee to see unlimited movies in the theater. A lot of people saw a lot of movies cheaply, and the system was never quite sustainable. It died in 2019 and declared bankruptcy in 2020 after several attempts to keep it afloat fell flat.
The new MoviePass is leaning into all the latest Silicon Valley buzzwords—web3, wallets, and play to earn schemes. Spikes—wearing the standard black turtleneck, jeans, and tennis shoes associated with Steve Jobs and Elizabeth Holmes—announced that MoviePass is moving towards a system where people watch ads to earn virtual currency that they then spend on movies. “It’s a way to close that loop and make it far more efficient of a system,” Spikes said. “I want to be able to see it for free. Advertisers have put a pre-show together not unlike what you’d normally see when you go to a movie theater but this is customized for you.”
New Wordle Order
Rare Encounter #84: Tastes Like Barista
Rare Encounter Wordle 1 A Basic Rundown - Part one of AbleKirby’s rant about Wordle.
Rare Encounter Wordle 2 The Problem With Wordle - Can I get an amen?!
Obsessed with Wordle? The Founder Now Works In Fashion—Kind Of
Wordle, the word game that has taken the world by storm, was recently acquired by the New York Times for a sum in the “low seven figures.” But that’s not the biggest news about Josh Wardle, the game’s creator. In the wake of the sale, Wardle got a new job at the Brooklyn art collective MSCHF. What is he doing there? “That part I cannot confirm!” MSCHF CEO Gabe Whaley wrote in an email.
The MSCHF website and app are intentionally vague about the group’s projects—it exists almost entirely by word of mouth and social media. But Wardle is an engineer, meaning he could be innovating across any number of projects. What’s a five-letter word for “must have?”
Hi, I'm Josh. I enjoy building unique products that focus on human interaction.
I am an artist, product manager and engineer.
I live in Oakland, CA Brooklyn, NY.
On the internet, I often go by powerlanguage.
You may have heard of two projects I created at Reddit: The Button (2015) and Place (2017).
Wordle is daily word guessing game I made.
Reddit Explains the Mystery Behind 'The Button'
So large and passionate is the Reddit community that what began as a simple April Fool's project became a massive sociological experiment, with users dividing themselves into groups, weaving together rumor and theory in an attempt to solve a mystery, and literally debating the meaning of life ...all because of a simple countdown clock. On April 1, an announcement appeared on Reddit's front page: a button and timer appeared on a Reddit-created "subreddit," or site subsection, called The Button. The timer would count down from 60 seconds, Reddit explained, and it would reset itself each time someone in the world clicked. Each user could click only once, and when The Button reached zero, the experiment would end. "We can’t tell you what to do from here on out," Reddit warned. "The choice is yours."
And so Redditors were divided. Some immediately chose never to press the button, pledging their allegiance to the "non-presser" group. The "pressers" were split into even smaller groups based on the timer's count at the time they chose to click: Some received red circles next to their usernames for their clicks at 0-11 seconds, while others got purple "flair" for clicking closer to the 60-second mark. Users in each color group formed themselves into vibrant communities that some media outlets have compared to religions or cults, each with their own ethos -- and their own theories about what would happen when The Button hit zero. Meanwhile, Redditors of all flairs debated what the experiment meant: Was it an art project? Reddit's way of showing advertisers how engaged its userbase can be? The NSA? What does it all mean?
Reddit Place: The Internet's Best Experiment Yet
It was ostensibly an April Fool's joke, the latest in a series of projects initiated by the social news site Reddit, but as the hours unfolded it became clear that Place was something much more remarkable. This is how its creators introduced it to the website's users on March 31, 2017:
There is an empty canvas.
You may place a tile upon it, but you must wait to place another.
Individually you can create something.
Together you can create something more.
The canvas measured 1,000 x 1,000 pixels, and anyone with a Reddit account could contribute. It was described by one user as a massive multiplayer version of Microsoft Paint, in which each player can only fill one pixel every five minutes from a palette of 16 colors. But the simplicity of the concept masked the complexity of how it was played. With no guidance beyond these four lines, it was perhaps inevitable that the first forms to emerge on the canvas were swear words, swastikas and penises, but as communities came together and coordinated on projects, these scrawls were soon covered over with more intricate and thoughtful designs.
"Early on, Place definitely resembled the kind of graffiti you would see in a bathroom stall," Josh Wardle, a senior product manager at Reddit who came up with the idea for Place, tells Newsweek. "What was really amazing was seeing how quickly the community organized and started to self-police the canvas to keep it positive."
Over the three days, communities came together and split apart, nations went to war, and strangers strategized on how best to create and defend the artistic representations of their passions—be that a sports team or the late socialist leader, Hugo Chavez. It was a war waged in five-minute intervals that showed the internet at its best and worst.
Hundreds of Reddit users answered a call for help with a marriage proposal, with the plan to write "Lisa I love you will you marry me" on 153 pixels of the canvas. While this briefly worked, it was soon vandalized to read: "Fuck I hate you Lisa you cunt bitch." This message was also soon taken over by a community dedicated to painting love hearts.
Perhaps the most ambitious projects were the two artworks that feature prominently on the final canvas: Vincent Van Gogh's The Starry Night and Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa. Both masterpieces required not only skilful design and patient collaboration, but also the endurance to survive waves of attacks, most notably from a nihilistic group called The Black Void.
The sole purpose of The Black Void, which grew to almost 4,000 members by the time Place was over, was to destroy the work of other communities by filling the canvas with black pixels. Its greatest achievement came in the final hours of the experiment, when it coordinated an assault on the American flag in the center of the canvas. What started as a small crack at the bottom of the flag soon fractured and spread to a black emptiness where the stars and stripes used to be. With national pride at stake, Americans came together to restore their flag, to the point that when Place finally finished, only four black pixels remained.
Able and the Wolf - Stay Awhile
The Zombie Dandies - Girls&Whisky