S01E78: The Pope Is My Burgeoning Terror
Tarot: https://tarotx.net/tarot-card-meanings/linestrider-tarot/six-of-swords.html
Freaks of Hazard:
Boolysteed sent in $8.40! Thank you Booly!!
TurboFaygot sent in an End of Show Clip and some ISO’s!
DoubleThought rain down the magic number of $3.33! CHeck out his show here! https://doublethoughtdimension.com/
Don’t Look Up - lavish
Before I popped it on
Any Netflix show is suspect and guaranteed to have some political or environmental angle, plus native advertising hidden in the mix like any other major funded thing.
This movie has a ridiculous ensemble cast of stars, which makes it suspect.
Many of these stars are highly publiclicize leftist ideals, such as Leo, Meryl, and Ron Perlman. These high-end Hollywood stars don’t act in any script they don’t personally appreciate.
Leo in particular rarely stars in asinine media, but is a big climate change guy.
Didn’t know who Adam McKay was, once I looked him up I wondered why I didn’t know who Adam McKay was. SNL writer, co-founded UCB (one of the most famous improv groups in America), co-wrote and directed Anchorman as his film debut, plus comedies like Ricky Bobby, Stepbrothers, produced Eastbound and Down, but also serious pieces like Vice and The Big Short. In the mix with the marvel dicks.
First impressions
Slow and mundane, focusing on images that don’t seem to jive thematically
They talk too much but say so little in the context of what’s going on.
They finally talk to the president, and thus begins the fantasy of how left-wing based people think Trump and his cabinet and family behaved during his presidency. Streep and Jonah Hill as Trump and Donny Jr. They hear 100% chance the rock is going to hit the Earth, and their first reaction is to act like idiots and funny the numbers. Funny enough they use the 99.7% which immediately ties it to the number most familiar to us as COVID’s survival rate.
The Left Wing Fantasy of Trump
This is how insane left-wing people have driven themselves…
A hokey college astronomy class finds a comet heading for Earth. Military and high-industry be damned, they are no match for 3rd year JLaw.
The President (Trump) gets news that a massive comet is heading straight for Earth and we have 6 months to live.
The President reacts to this news by blowing them off, ignoring them, singing happy birthday to staff, puttering around doing menial nonsense, leaving them high and dry for a few days.
When the President finally has a face-to-face with the Scientists, they repeat the already obvious and painful news. They say there is a 99.7% chance this thing will hit Earth.
The President responds with “So what is that? 70%?”
The President’s Son, sitting there on the couch, also chips in. “Yeah? 70%?”
2 things…
Show how, despite 4 years of seeing this guy every day, they still can’t even come up with a realistic version of how he behaves. It’s utter Flanderization.
If you thought of the President and Son as Biden and Hunter, this scene somehow makes more sense. Except for the soundstage thing.
Leo says it himself, and it’s easy to see: the basic most universal theme of the film is about people ignoring realities because they are inconvenient or threatening. In the circumstance of our times, the movie is addressing COVID and Climate Change, and presents a dramatized version of how politics and money destroys truth. They claim that good honest scientists from small colleges provide us the data we live by, and that President Trump took that data and ignored it entirely, to their face.
What I Liked
Adam McKay is great.
Streep, Leo, Jonah, JLaw, TimChaw, etc wanted to be part of the “Big Short” of science.
JLaw is great and pretty even with bad hair, maybe even because of bad hair.
Can be interpreted a few different ways, doesn’t have to be liberal.
Weakens the argument of these people, yet another thing to backfire for them.
Pandering blowjob
Depressing topical reaction to the situation
Incorrect analysis of Trump’s Character and Admin
Incorrect analysis of opposition to Climate Change and COVID
Obvious puff piece by Netflix
Somehow a bad role for Leo
Bad editing
Jonah Hill is weird
Another Triple-Boosted COVID Warrior Dies from Heart Attack
Edit Ferociously! https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/22/business/media/carlos-tejada-dead.html
2019 Football Fatalities (20 across all levels of play) - https://nccsir.unc.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/5614/2020/09/Annual-Football-2019-Fatalities-FINAL-updated-20200618.pdf
List of Athletes who Collapsed/Died after getting COVID shot - https://goodsciencing.com/covid/athletes-suffer-cardiac-arrest-die-after-covid-shot/
Rained Fish in Texas
Athletes Continue To Suffer Heart Problems And Die After Vax
Overall, in 2019, NCCSIR captured 20 fatalities among football players of all play levels (2 college, 11 high school, 3 middle school, and 1 youth league). Of these 20 deaths, 17 were either directly (n=3) or indirectly (n=14) related to football participation for an overall rate of 0.40 per 100,000 players (95% confidence interval: 0.21-0.60). Of the 17 deaths, 14 autopsies were conducted: 10 autopsies were available (9 received and reviewed at the time of this report, 1 is pending receipt) and 5 autopsies were not available (e.g., require family release).
3 Direct - Died during live game, all brain injuries
14 Indirect - Died during practice, most cardiac arrest
3 Non-exertion - A seizure, a heart-attack, and an asthma attack, all at non-pro level
According to new data: 2021 saw… 19 deaths! Not bad! Almost all are heart related.
But why hide the eye?
Eerie NASA audio lets you hear what Jupiter moon Ganymede sounds like
Juno swung by Jupiter’s biggest moon of 79 total called Ganymede. “Waves is focused on studying Jupiter's magnetosphere, the area around the gas giant controlled by its magnetic field. NASA says Jupiter's magnetosphere "is the largest object in the solar system. If it glowed in wavelengths visible to the eye, it would appear two to three times the size of the sun or moon to viewers on Earth."
NASA used data sonification to translate the data into human hearing ranges.
“The not-so-dulcet tones of Ganymede won't lull you gently to sleep, but they might trigger memories of the internet's earlier days, when your greatest annoyance was mom picking up the phone while you updated your GeoCities Buffy the Vampire Slayer fansite.”
Omicron is Exposing New York Theatre’s Failure to Change
Hellavu opening statement: “You almost have to see it to believe it. After filing into the theatre upon showing your new form of ID to the front line of scrupulous vaccine-card examiners, passing the ghost-town concession stands, and taking in the thankless work of front of house staff reminding unruly tourists to put their masks on over their nose (many are still in need of that reminding), the lights finally dim, and for just a moment, the theatre begins to take on its familiar form, transforming the space and transporting a willing audience to a world beyond the noise outside. Actors take the stage, maskless of course, and for a brief moment, the artists do what they do best: give respite.”
Backstage - Tests, Check - Masks, Check - Vaccines, Check (both audience and company). Yet shows are closing left and right! Some permanently.
Big ticket shows are making workers pay for most of the quarantine time. Tours too are closing. Funny line about apartments that touring folk have nowhere to go.
Entertainment is the second most bought in: “All this comes in light of a broader movement during the pandemic for the dignity of workers. Arts workers are notoriously undervalued, but between calls for social justice and lobbying of union leadership to ensure that safety was prioritized upon returning to work, it seemed that artists were following the lead of workers in health care to delivery workers in their demand for better conditions.”
“Individual shows began implementing testing protocols that went above and beyond union requirements, even hiring social responsibility managers to better address issues of inclusivity in the workplace.”
The next two paragraphs are about minimum wage and safe workplaces.
I guess the head of the Broadway League blamed the closures on understudies and swing: “My educated guess is the newer shows maybe have understudies that aren’t as efficient in delivering the role as the lead is. Some of the older shows have more experienced understudies and more experienced swings. I know one show last week where the lead was out, the understudy was on vacation, the swings were covering other parts, and they just didn’t have enough people to stand in.”
Ummm ok? “The Broadway League, like CEO’s of other companies around the world, are invested (pun intended) in making a profit, by (most) any means necessary.”
When performers test positive for Covid during a performance (an event that is both typical and unbelievable considering the basic science of exposure), they are sent home, but “it costs too much” to stop the performance or cancel it altogether, leading to the performances finishing anyway, sometimes keeping the actor onstage until their understudy can get dressed and ready to replace them. (In these instances, the actor is often notified of their positive result just as the curtain comes down on the first act. What timing.)
Also this article claims that tours only exist to not pay union salaries to non union actors?

People Got Sick at a Conspiracy Conference. They’re Sure It’s Anthrax.
It’s a blast from the past! A congregation of unvaccinated went to a conspiracy conference in Dallas. Symptoms included coughing shortness of breath, and a fever. It’s not Covid they say, but anthrax (they theorize).
Vice claims it’s a far-right conspiracy. The event was ReAwaken America Tour. The claim was started by Joe Oltmann podcast Conservative Daily. He said it was 99.9% percent chance it was anthrax, but no one tested positive.
One dude is reporting body lesions and weeping skin. This would be Jovan Pulitzer.
LOL: “After Oltmann made his initial claim, other conspiracy-minded folk highlighted a video from the event that showed a fog machine operating during the conference, suggesting that this is how the anthrax was spread—ignoring the fact that no anthrax outbreak has been reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or any other agency.”
“Clark, the organizer of the ReAwaken event, has dismissed the claims as “rumors.” He told the far-right online talk show host Stew Peters that he is not part of the Illuminati and that the fog machine in question was simply a fog machine.”