S01E75: Make Acid Rain Not War
Tarot: https://tarotx.net/
Freaks of Hazard:
TurboFaygot ate some ASCII and sent this funny af show art in! And a bonus “anime girl” clip!
Qwaffy came thru with their regular $3.33! Look at those digits!
Air Force Discharged 27 people for not being vaxxed https://www.usnews.com/news/politics/articles/2021-12-13/air-force-discharges-27-for-refusal-to-get-covid-vaccine
CNBC saying transitory is terrible https://www.cnbc.com/2021/12/13/el-erian-says-transitory-was-the-worst-inflation-call-in-the-history-of-the-fed.html
CNBC saying inflation is not a bad thing
Official PCE Records - https://www.bea.gov/data/personal-consumption-expenditures-price-index
Calling inflation “transitory” was a historically bad move for the Fed, according to Allianz Chief Economic Advisor Mohamed El-Erian
Clip 1 - Intro to the normie situation concerning inflation
Clip 2 - Inflation is good
Clip 3 - Keynes is the way, slave
Clip 4 - PCE and other metrics
Inflation is Global, not just in North America
Gore Metal Band GWAR Cuts Off Joe Biden’s Head During Show
Theatrical gore metal band Gwar had their own way of saying “Let’s Go Brandon”.
GWAR - Black and Huge @ First Ave 2021
GWAR - Maggots (Guitar Duel) @ First Ave 2021
GWAR - Joe Biden @ First Ave 2021
Shot by yours truly.
Dermatographia is a condition also known as skin writing. When people who have dermatographia lightly scratch their skin, the scratches redden into a raised wheal similar to hives. These marks usually disappear within 30 minutes.
(Sent in by Boolysteed)
China ‘modified’ the weather to create clear skies for political celebration – study
July 1st, the Communist Part of China celebrated it’s centenary with 10,000+ people at Tiananmen Square (no one was ran over by tanks). Tsinghua University released a paper stating cloud seeding tech was used to clear the skies and lower air pollution.
The CPC spent billions of dollars to make favorable weather conditions for agriculture and the 2008 Olympics.
“Cloud-seeding is a weather modification technique, which sees the adding of chemicals like small particles of silver iodide, to clouds, causing water droplets to cluster around them and increasing the chance of precipitation.”
Lol, the Guardian claims this study “add to a small but growing body of scientific evidence around the success of the technology.”
Factories and other pollution makin machines were shut down days ahead of the event.
The original paper said it took two hours to seed the clouds, and nearby residents reported seeing rockets filled with silver iodine shot into the sky on June 30th.
“Last year Beijing announced plans to expand its experimental weather modification program to an area 1.5 times the size of India – 5.5 million square kilometres – covered by artificial rain or snow. The State Council has said it aims to have a developed weather modification system by 2025, including another half a million square kilometres hosting hail suppression technologies.”
“In the five years to 2017 state media claimed China had spent more than US$1.3bn on the technology and induced about 233.5bn cubic meters of additional rain. In 2019 officials said weather modification practices, usually the firing of iodine-packed shells to disrupt unfavourable weather fronts, had helped to reduce 70% of hail damage annually in agricultural regions of Xinjiang.”
“The weather manipulation activities, also known as “blueskying”, are usually implemented in conjunction with social changes in the lead up to events, including the shutdown of factories, construction and other polluting industries, and encouraging people to stay off the streets or leave the region, said Dr Shiuh-Shen Chien, of National Taiwan University’s department of geography, in a 2019 essay for Society+Space.”
Dr Chien said China’s weather authorities had “institutionalised” climate controls for decades, with technological attempts dating back to the 1980s, but was unique in using it not just for commercial or agricultural reasons but also for “propaganda purposes”.
A late 1960’s military operation in Vietnam used weather control tech. The USAF rolled out the “only known” militarization of meteorology with Op. Popeye.
5 years and 15 million dollars later…everyone denied it existed from Nixon to military commanders.
“The plan used cloud seeding technology, a technique commonly used today to disperse fog and induce rainfall in dry climates. By dispersing chemicals like silver and lead iodide or even just dry ice into clouds, causing condensations and vertical rotation.”
“According to Colonel Ed Soyster, his team had been given four objectives by the Department of Defense for his Seasia Rainmaking program. Their goal was to soften roads, cause mudslides, wash out river crossings, and extend soggy conditions. Vietnam experiences monsoon seasons every year, and much of the country’s population was accustomed to dealing with frequent rain, but American forces hoped that they could extend the rains, tipping the scales of the conflict.”
“From 1967 to 1972 a total of 2,602 flights were made and 47,409 units of cloud seed cartridges were expended.”
Everyone is always doubting the effectives of these programs. Same as they doubted in the Guardian article. Other historians resented arguments that an additional 35 inches was the fault of the program.
Folks were concerned Op. Popeye was pulling rain rom other countries like Thailand. In 1977, the U.N. said “no more weather warfare!”
“Today, cloud seeding is mostly used to manage precipitation for water usage. The United Arab Emirates closely monitors it rainfall and groundwater levels, deploying cloud seed operations that can enhance rainfall by a reported 35%. During the 2008 Olympic Games in China, government officials deployed cloud seeds to induce snowfall after a short drought, causing the earliest snowfall in the region in over two decades.”
Up is Down Podcast Ep 105: The Damned Sun w/ Matt Landman
When The CIA Considered Weaponizing Lightning
Lol article starts off quasi comparing the CIA to the gods of old. “Thunderbolts are traditionally the weapon of the gods, but in 1967 the CIA were wondering whether they, too, could call down bolts of lightning from the heavens at will.”
They wanted to guide lightning based on observing that lightning would follow the path of ionized air, aka a step leader. “Once the leader stroke reaches the ground and makes a circuit, the lightning proper is formed and a current flow, typically around 300 million Volts at 30,000 Amps.”
The hypothesis was the artificial leads could make discharges when and where they were directed. The line was a wire one thousandths of an inch in diameter and miles long. A plane would fly the line into a storm rolled into a spool, and the spool would be parachuted to it’s target. Add lightning and voila.
The lightning would still follow the ionized air even if the wire was broken.
“Among the advantages are “a relatively cheap barrage may be laid down” and “there should be little or no evidence left of what caused the lightning storm.” The technique would allow the CIA to call down what looked like the wrath of heaven on a target without giving away that they were behind it. It would certainly be a useful capability – if it could be done.”
Article continues on to reference Op. Popeye AND “the CIA was keen on psychological operations invoking the supernatural, such as a scheme to persuade Cubans that the Second Coming was imminent by having a submarine surface covertly and launch flares over Havana – ‘Illumination by Submarine.’” Bluebeam anyone??
“The idea is certainly scientifically valid.” Both China and the U.S.A. have researched into this. “But taming lightning is not easy or simple, and nobody has yet demonstrated the type of ‘barrage’ suggested in the CIA proposal, as far as we know.”
DARPA played around with focused lightning strikes with Project Nimbus, but it was to “prevent” lightning strikes.
“"They claimed they had no interest in using lightning as a weapon," University of Florida professor Martin Uman told the Tampa Bay Times in 2017 when DARPA ceased funding the work. "If there were generals having meetings behind our research, we didn't know about it."“
Same Mistakes by The RocknRoll Hi-Fives
Sila vydrzat by Shadow of Television