Tonight’s Tarot:
Queen Of Wands – Linestrider Tarot Deck
Freaks of Hazard:
CBrooklyn112, Lord of the Early AM came in with a monthly donation for $6!
FoxFur also came in with a monthly paypal donation for $5! Thank you kindly!
MakeHeroism sent over $59.94 and a note that says “Threadless! Merry Christmas bois!”!!
Check out some of the new boostable music we started hosting!

Crackin The Dongle - Daves Not Here
The Ultimate Album - Daves Not Here
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Songwriter/singer Ainsley Costello possesses a powerful voice, both in her singing and her lyrical subject matter which is often very introspective. Her music is packed with brightness and beautiful melodies. She has a catchy pop-rock sound with just a taste of country roots, but the message she delivers is rarely so simple.
Her single “Cherry On Top” has been floating around the top of the charts of LNBeats and WavLake for a bit, while as of today “Daydreamer” is #7 on WavLake.
Songwriter/singer JUST LOUD creates a passionate and soulful electropop sound paired with rich lyrical imagery delivered through an impressive vocal range. His songs have a polished bounce to them that can be enjoyed anywhere from small clubs to giant festivals. They also have a certain haunting quality that is rather enjoyable.
His songs “Shrooms” and “Moonchild” are #2 and #3 respectively on WavLake as of today.
🌙 Just Allowed Records presents Just Loud LIVE RECORDING with Ainsley Costello and Tyler Christian
These two value driven artists will be in the Minneapocalypse this week!! Ainsley will first be doing a live stream from the O'Shaughnessey Distilling Company on the 20th. Then the following day, both Ainsley and Just Loud will be performing at the 7th St Entry at First Avenue in downtown Minneapolis! Tune into the show in a Podcast 2.0 app, and head over to for more information about the show! We will be rebroadcasting the show thru the BTS feed, send them some love thru a boost!
Here’s some music you should hear!
⭐ Shrooms - JUSTLOUD
⭐ Moonchild - JUSTLOUD
⭐ Rescued - Ainsley Costello
⭐ Daydreamer - Ainsley Costello
⭐ Cherry On Top - Ainsley Costello
Where does music publishing come from even? It’s been a long strange journey indeed. Cue the time machine, we’re goin back to the 15th century! Before the 1500’s, scores we’re owned by religious entities or wealthy noblemen as it was a very laborious process to hand copy manuscripts.
⭐ MMP (The history of the Music Printing Press)
Writing Workshops - The Catholic Church ruled all, including music! The ink and paper lifted the musical composures to a whole new level. Copying these works ascended these monks to a spiritual level.
Woodblock Printing - One early technique was carving the score onto woodblocks. Also very laborious.
Enter the Gutenberg Press, and by extension, the development of typeset sheet music.
⭐ Music Printing and Notation: The Beginning
Intro - Consider yourself revolutionized!
From Monks To Press - Listen to that press in action! This clip gets more into specifics of the aims of the time.
Making The Sausage - You build these compositions piece, by piece, by piece, by piece…backwards. It’s that 16th Century Music type yo!
🌙 The Earliest Music Printed from Movable Type Appears in the "Constance Gradual" - The earliest music printed from movable type appeared in the Constance Gradual or Graduale, about 1473.
Massive Mass Book - A book printed big enough for you and five of your closest monk friends!
One of the dudes who caught wind early on was Ottaviano Petrucci, who scored a 20 year monopoly on printing and publishing in Venice. He worked quite a bit with Josquin des Prez, a Franco-Flemish composer. Petrucci’s set-up used three impressions. One for staff lines, one for words, and one for the notes.
⭐ Josquin, Petrucci, and the Printing Press - Developments During the Renaissance
At Volume - After music printing kicked off, it changed the music landscape. New ways of writing music began to appear. Embracing technology at this time put his music all across Europe.
Let’s Take A Listen - A demo of one of his pieces.
International Stardom - We’ll come back to this clip after we talk about going viral…
⭐ Notes On Music (1936)
Immortal Piece - These are more so bonus clips, quality is iffy. Still pretty neat to see the process of hand engraving plates for a press.
Set In Motion - You gotta get your music out to make it big!
“The concept of musical copyright had its beginnings in the reign of King Henry VIII of England who required copies of all printed matter to be sent to him and offered protection to printers in the form of licenses, primarily to produce a new source of revenue. In 1575 Elizabeth I granted Thomas Tallis and his pupil William Byrd a 21-year patent monopoly on the printing and publishing of polyphonic music. The first modern copyright law was the Statute of Anne (1709), which protected all published works for a period of fourteen years, later extended to twenty-eight years.”
⭐ LLB344 Intellectual Property Law - 'The Statute of Anne'
What Was The Purpose -
The Nature of Copyright -
The earliest attempt at a printed musical copyright notice appears in the "Shir Hashirim" of Salomone Rossi (Venice, 1623) which includes a rabbinical curse on those infringing the text, written by Leon of Modena.
England led the copyright front, France had the performing rights. The Society of Dramatic Authors and Composers was formed in 1829. There was a lawsuit in 1847 where Ernest Bourget sued to claim payment for each performance of his works at Les Ambassadeurs, a leading Café-concert venue of that time. After this, the first performing rights group, the Société des Auteurs, Compositeurs et Editeurs de Musique (SACEM) was formed.
⭐ Unlocking the Secrets: History of Music Publishing & Engraving
Catching Dust - But you still needed a publisher to print your music. Also, the whole catalog for $250!? Payday baby!
If we wanna go down the copyright hole…
⭐ Copyright: Why We Can't Have Nice Things
Tragedy of the Commons - This clip gets into a theory where if everything is freely available, then innovation cannot thrive. However, locking down intellectual property can sometimes have it’s disadvantageous.
The Warehouse of Ideas - Then the anti-thesis.
Take This Little Tune - Bonus clip, more so about derivative works going back to old ass composers.
We don’t have time to get into how radio stations became these proto labels in the turn of the century, but let’s fast forward just a tad to the modern day. Has much changed?
⭐ History of Record Labels - Bruce Kulick
It’s All Marketing - Former guitarist for Kiss Bruck Kulick gets into the origin of some the original labels and how they were just kinda making it up starting out.
I Want My Payola - 10% to the big guy!
Act Like A Bank - More info on turning to the labels for the money.
Going Viral - Is the internet the key to unlocking all of this?
⭐ Dave Brockie wcrs
One Elaborate Heist -
The Death Knell -
Tour Support -
Stick To Your Roots -
⭐ Music Printing and Notation: The Halstan Process
⭐ Dave Olsen - How has the Print Music Publishing Industry Changed?
⭐ Ottaviano Petrucci (1466-1539): First Printer of Music
Prince talks Music ownership "What do you really need Record Companies for"
Soul Train (Live) - Just Loud 8/13/2018 - Paste Studios - New York, NY - 00:09
Rescued (Live) - Ainsley Costello 2/03/2022 - H.O.M.E. Nashville, TN - 03:11
Shrooms (4:20) - Just Loud - 07:07
Love Letter (Live) - Ainsley Costello 2/03/2022 - H.O.M.E. Nashville, TN - 11:26
Baby Bed Bugs - The Synthesatsers
Het Up! - Business As Usual - Rubber Factory Records
We're in It for the Money - Choreboy
Colder Than a Dead Sun - 1point3
What It's Like (To Be Me) - Tempest
Superhero in a Small Female Body - Daves Not Here
Empty Water Bottles - Herbivore
Don't Feel Bad - Survival Guide