S01E180: Burn Down A Crystal
Tonight’s Tarot:
The Antique Anatomy Tarot Tarot - Ix of Rods
Freaks of Hazard:
Sir Mani is back with a very satiny donation to the paypal for $6.66!! Hope you’re well out there good sir!!
The esteemed Captain Oblivious came in with his monthly donation of $5.55 as well!
T-T-T-Tjunta is here repping the magic number with his monthly of $3.33!! Check out more of his mixes here!! The Tjukebox
Sir CrossStitch was also here with his monthly donation of $5.33!
As well as KS with a monthly paypal for $5!
A staggering $100 was sent in by ZS, and holy shit thank you so much!
Bigger Green had double vision of the magic number with $33.33, and he included a note!
"Thanks from Bigger Green LLC, Bloomington Indiana's favorite BTS compliant mowing and garden biz.
Keep on covering the covert, boyz!"
Spaz also sent in a monthly donation for $9.99!! But that’s not all, he and Mommbury worked some real magick and have created stamps of our avatars! HOLY WOW BATMAN!! Mommabury also made up some gorgeous BTS thank you cards! Can’t wait to send these bad boys out!!

Frankiepaint has hand embroidered a unique one of a kind mothman patch that will be proudly sewed onto the official denim BTS jacket when it finally happens!!
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How to Spot an Angel -
How to Spot a Prophet -
How to Spot a Prophet (for kids!) -
How to Spot a Latterday Saint Leader -
How to Spot a Russian Invasion -
How to Spot a Delusional Weirdo -
How to Spot a Messiah -
How to Spot a Prophecy Conference -
Can I? I’d like to read, you. Would you? You’re gonna be my book!
⭐ Human Skin Books - Episode 5 - Under The Knife
Anthropodermic bibliopegy
Pronunciation - Anthropodermic, combining the Ancient Greek ἄνθρωπος (anthropos, "man" or "human") and δέρμα (derma, "skin"). Bibliopegy is a rare synonym for 'bookbinding'. It combines the Ancient Greek βιβλίον (biblion, "book") and πηγία (pegia, from pegnynai, "to fasten").
What Does It Mean - Anthropodermic bibliopegy is the practice of binding books in human skin.
Destinies Of The Soul - These doctors were way into women it sounds.
The Highwayman - One of four examples of books bound in flesh. This is robber turn confessor, a sort of Joker era Jared Leto if you will.
Post Death Fate - Convicts and those bound for execution could expect some harsh treatment in the post death environment. Gotta deter the serfs somehow!
How It’s Made - For those that wanna get real technical.
⭐ Were Books Really Bound in Human Skin?
Liberal Poetry - These liberals and their women…
The Mutter Museum - I’ve been here recently!! I don’t recall seeing the books but there’s so many remains there it’s hard to say. Wash your hands please!
Doctor Rosenbloom - Let’s hear from the woman who literally wrote the book on the matter! She’s got an interesting group of people to point to when it comes to who was collecting such objects.
Match Made In Heaven - What did it mean having more cadavers on the scene to work with? What else do doctors love? Books!
Is It A Bad Thing? - Got unwanteds?? Let’s advance science!
Poor God Forsaken Creatures - More on the conditions of living in an asylum.
Leatherized - Mary Lily ended up dying from tuberculosis and another parasitic wasting disease. She weighed 60 lbs by the time of her demise. For her to come to this hospital, it was a sort of last ditch effort. Hospitals at time we’re more charity based, or used as training grounds for aspiring doctors. This led to something known as “clinical stare” where the staff ultimately detached from the humanity of their patients and saw them more as subjects.
Song of the Purefinder - There’s a song.
Books Are People Too - To wrap, and it’s a longer clip, but it’s fascinating who and what we see as people these days.
🌙 List of books bound in human skin
In Living Color-Career Aid"We Are The World" Parody
It's Christmastime Again! - HeyCitizen
tony soprano sings sopranos theme [ai cover]
Will they complete the drug deal?!
Sextette, featuring Alice Cooper!
I Want to Wear You - Fucktown Power Boys & No No
Survival Guide - Blood Perfume
The Tjukebox - NOW! That's What I Call Value!
Survival Guide - Blood Perfume
Herbivore - Sleepin' Beaut
Johnson CIty - This Sick Feeling
Local Zero - I Don't Share
Dire Descent - In Hell There Is A Sea Of Wasted Loads
Namo Maitri - Faded - Namo Maitri (Alan Walker)
Temples - Cosmodrome