S01E166: The Demon Of Deadlines
Tonight’s Tarot:
Knight of Pentacles Linestrider
Freaks of Hazard:
Dag dropped a folder of iso and jingle goodness off!
MakeHeroism also sent over a piece of art for the new “Before the Sch3m3s” episodes!
We had a couple of paypal donations come in as well! First off was SqualorBill with a donation for $16.66, and a note!
Paypalled over $16.66 usd.
show number donation!
sorta hehe, 😘
Thank you to Sir Crossstich , Wiirdo, and Foxfur for the monthly donations. Those amounts we’re $5.33, $3.33, and $5.00! TYFYC o7
We haven’t heard from him in a long, long time, but DoubleThought reached out!!
Hello once again,
This is Derek. I used to host a podcast called “Double Thought Dimension”. I still exist and am currently thriving in a new undisclosed location on Earth. I have a new podcast and way of life.
Along with my woman (Katana) we have conversations that we record and publish online which you might call a podcast. The podcast is titled “Seeking Mount Parnassus”.
Our website is
I know that this email will find you in an extraordinary state of being!!!
Subscribe for the SXXY-est junkmail for your inbox right here!
Ruby Ridge - On This Day in 1992
It was an 11-day assault by the ATF on some random family in the woods of Idaho near the Canadian border. They murdered a child, a woman holding a baby, and their dog. After surrender, the family later sued and received millions in recompense.
Randy Weaver died just last year (2022) at the age of 74.
AI-Generated Comic vs Copyright Office
More than 100 days into the writers strike, fears have kept mounting over the possibility of studios deploying generative artificial intelligence to completely pen scripts. But intellectual property law has long said that copyrights are only granted to works created by humans, and that doesn’t look like it’s changing anytime soon.
A federal judge on Friday upheld a finding from the U.S. Copyright Office that a piece of art created by AI is not open to protection. The ruling was delivered in an order turning down Stephen Thaler’s bid challenging the government’s position refusing to register works made by AI. Copyright law has “never stretched so far” to “protect works generated by new forms of technology operating absent any guiding human hand,” U.S. District Judge Beryl Howell found.
Copyright 1 - AI Art
AI Art is being auctioned at major houses and bought by Europeans at laughably exorbitant prices. Random people make art in a matter of seconds, and pitch it as fine works. What can artists do about this?
Copyright 2 - Karla Lawsuit
Magic The Gathering and Disney artist Karla Ortiz finds people are using AI to rip off her art style. She and other artists have decided to file a lawsuit against Midjourney and other AI-art platforms.
Copyright 3 - Legal Spellings
Should an AI get a copyright? What does that even mean? Copyright can only be granted to an author - a human author!
Copyright 4 - Monkey Business
A famous instance of a non-human being rejected copyright would be the Monkey Selfie of 2011. In Indonesia, a macaque took a guy’s camera and snapped a selfie. The selfie is quite excellent, and the photographer profited. PETA stepped in, as they often sadly do, and tried to get the monkey royalties. They failed in getting him any of that, but he did get a name: Naruto.
Copyright 5 - Minimal Creativity
The US Courts extended copyright to photography specifically in 1884 in response to a famous lithographer and photographer of his day getting no control or profit for capturing what is now perhaps the most famous image of Oscar Wilde.
The US Supreme Court concluded thusly…
(From wiki)
Regarding the interpretation of "writings" in the Constitution, Justice Miller's unanimous opinion for the Supreme Court wrote that Congress has "properly declared these to include all forms of writing, printing, engraving, etching, &c., by which the ideas in the mind of the author are given visible expression." The Court noted that "maps and charts" were among the subjects of the first Copyright Act of 1790, and that etchings and engravings were added when it was first amended in 1802. The members of Congress that passed these first copyright acts were contemporaries of the Framers of the Constitution, and many of them attended the Constitutional Convention itself. As such, their interpretation of the Constitution, Justice Miller wrote, "is of itself entitled to very great weight, and when it is remembered that the rights thus established have not been disputed during a period of nearly a century, it is almost conclusive."
Even if other visual works could be copyrighted, Burrow-Giles argued, photography was merely a mechanical process rather than an art, and could not embody an author's "idea". The Court accepted that this may be true of "ordinary" photographs, but this was not in the case of Sarony's image of Wilde. The trial court had found that Sarony had "by posing the said Oscar Wilde in front of the camera, selecting and arranging the costume, draperies, and other various accessories in said photograph, arranging the subject so as to present graceful outlines, arranging and disposing the light and shade, suggesting and evoking the desired expression, and from such disposition, arrangement, or representation, made entirely by the plaintiff, he produced the picture in suit." This control that Sarony exercised over the subject matter, in the view of the Court, showed that he was the "author" of "an original work of art" and thus within the "class" of things for which the Constitution intended Congress to grant him exclusive rights under the copyright laws.
Copyright 6 - AI Comic
Under these conditions it has been argued that AI art could be copyrighted as a comic book. By inserting text and arranging the art in a narrative way, could AI art finally be considered the authentic original work of an author? The Office says No.
Copyright 7 - Works of Expression
It is unclear where the line is drawn. When photographers use something like Photoshop to alter or enhance the image, that image is still considered applicable for copyright. This is common practice and you will find more photographers than not doing this.
Copyright 8 - Porn and Google
“AI” relies on searching through cast swaths of already existing datasets and committing them to memory. Truly just a copy+paste machine of unprecedented efficiency. Google became involved in another lawsuit against porn website.
Copyright 9 - We Do Not Know
Google basically wants a copy of everything, including the cover art for every book in existence. The Google Monster won that suit as well. They argue that using AI to copy everything is simply descriptive, whereas copyright involves creating new works.
🪐 Walker Art Center holds 'playful demon summoning session' for families
The Minneapocalypse’s own Walker Art Center held their very own demon trappin’ ritual two Saturn Daze ago! The performance was called Lilit the Empathic Demon.
🪐 Free First Saturday: Plant Teachers
Resilience, ingenuity, interconnectedness—what else might we learn by paying closer attention to plants? Invite the aspiring green thumbs in your life and join us for Free First Saturday in the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden as we celebrate our plant teachers. At August Free First Saturday, Brooklyn-based artist Tamar Ettun (she/they) will present Lilit the Empathic Demon. The performance is inspired by Lilit, an aerial spirit demon with origins in Sumerian, Akkadian, and Judaic mythology. Families are invited to create a vessel to trap the demon that knows them best—perhaps the “demon of overthinking”—and then participate in a playful ceremony to summon and befriend their demon.
Art-Making Activity: How to Trap a Demon, 10 am–3 pm
Demons have a bad reputation, but maybe we’re just not very good at getting to know them. Do you have a demon that creeps into your thoughts? Maybe the “demon of overthinking” or “the demon of not trusting your gut”? Work with visiting artist Tamar Ettun to design a vessel for holding the demon you know best!Performance: Lilit the Empathic Demon, 11 am and 1 pm
After designing your trap, Lilit the Empathic Demon will come from the dark side of the moon to lead you in locating your feelings using ancient Babylonian techniques. This collective and playful demon summoning session will conclude with a somatic movement meditation, designed to help you befriend your shadows.Tamar Ettun (b. Jerusalem, 1982) uses textiles, drawings, sculpture, video, and performance to explore somatic empathy, trauma-healing modalities, and ritual. Her recent work centers on Lilit, an aerial spirit demon with origins in Sumerian, Akkadian, and Judaic mythology. During the 2nd through 7th centuries, artist-healers created spells, drawings, and talismanic objects to trap demons like Lilit, who was characterized as a dangerously sexual female entity, and appeared frequently on incantation bowls used in protective rituals. In this project, Ettun revives ancient traditions through a contemporary feminist lens, revamping Lilit’s image as an Empathic Demon. Ettun received an MFA from Yale University in 2010, where she was awarded the Alice English Kimball Fellowship, and teaches at Columbia University School of Arts and Parsons School of Design.
Here are some select pieces from Tamar, let’s take a gander!
🪐 Dead Sea
Largest-scale production to date, encompassing the entire main hall of Pioneer Works as well as an upper floor mezzanine. Building upon the artist’s continuing interest in trauma, emotional empathy, and the universality of shared human experience, this performance is also perhaps her most intimate.
Dead Sea is composed of a succession of unfolding actions, movement phrases, and short stories that revolve around a fictional character named Abigail, who’s never been to the beach. Gigantic sails made of parachute fabric, lifeguard stations, sculptural motifs, larger-than-life curtains, and set pieces provide a fantastical escape for her. In the style of Magical Realism, Ettun’s narratives about Abigail’s life are both whimsical and horrific, detailing not only first loves and the rush of dating, but also death and repeated sexual assault at the hands of family members and boyfriends. Their guilt is complicated by the fact that Abigail once loved all of them, and in a way, they were also victims—of a patriarchal society that passed on such behavior from generation to generation. Fault belongs to the perpetrator, but also to the system that perpetuates it.
⭐ Tamar Ettun: Roadkill — We Live with Animals
About The Project - A brief synopsis of how this particular journey started.
🪐 Road Number One - I followed the process of decay of the road kills along the way.
⭐ How to Trap a Demon
The Demon Of - There’s a lot of demons out there!
The Demon Of Super Bad - One demon is so bad it gets two mentions!
In medical-magical traditions from the 2nd-7th century, Lilit appeared on incantation bowls, a healing technology used to protect against demons, who were thought to cause illness, pain, and loss. Just as scientific treatment is accepted today, artist-healers of the time would create spells, drawings, and talismanic objects to bind demons (most often, Lilit). Tamar Ettun revives these rituals by creating demon traps of various scales and materials — clay, iron, textiles, in performance and video — but also proposes a conceptual shift, told from Lilit’s perspective as the healer. The exhibition parts with the historical gender binarism that associates Lilith’s archetype with unchecked violence and manipulation; here, Lilit mediates the inner demons and renegade instincts that are deliberately silenced.
🪐 Texts from Lilit: 31 Cards to Connect You to Your Demon
Reaching from the dark side of the moon, communicating via text messages, Lilit explores the insidious side of empathy, trauma-healing modalities, and astrology as storytelling. Lilit’s texts serve as tools to connect with your inner demons and support integrating shadow selves.
The book’s price is sliding scale $44-66
⭐ Design the Life You Love Virtual Tea # 100 with Tamar Ettun
Empathy Crisis - While studying into the different types of empathy, Tamar burns herself out. Just where did Tamar meet Lillit at? Maybe we all have already met Lillit??
This Looks Like The Ground - The origin story of Lillit, biblically speaking.
Turn This Bowl Upside Down - The continued backstory of Lillit, and how she would be trapped originally by magicians and the like. OBVIOUSLY. THIS ISN”T EVEN MY FINAL FORM!
Text Summon - This harkens back to the “texts from Lillit” which was featured above.
Numbers Game - Yea build that following!
Demon Breath - This is what it sounds and looks like to channel the energy from demons! Face my DEMON BREATH!
Balls - COuldn’t help myself. It’s in reference the to devices used to trap the demons.
One Two Go - Ahhh, the refreshing sounds of rich hyper-intellectual liberalism.
🪐 Demon Bloomsongs Tamar Ettun’s Vivid Somatics – Mn Artists
🪐 Columbia University Faculty Salary by Rank
A total 1,642 faculties (full-time instructional staffs) work at Columbia University in the City of New York, and the 2022 average salary for all faculty members is $179,871 based on a 9-month contract.
⭐ A closer look at the demon in a box: Cleveland's Museum of Witchcraft and Magick
To be continued…
The Whale and the Bowl of Petunias
Santa is Captured by the Russians - Foil Arms and Hog
This Pain I've Grown - The Death of Rock and Roll
Governing People (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy entry)
Black and Blue - Homeless Moses
FM Rodeo - Self-Titled National Anthem
The Death of Rock and Roll - I Like a Lot
Milhouse. - Manifestation of an Apparition
Rusty Gate - Girl Like Me (Psycho Mix)
Homeless Moses - Psychic Assassin
Rubber Factory Records - Abbesse - What Troubles You
Sara Jade - Lip Service (Mustache Ride)