S01E154: Fire Is The Fastest Way To Learn
Tonight’s Tarot:
Freaks of Hazard:
Happy Birthday to the man himself Lavish!!
Tjunta had a monthly donation of the magic number of $3.33 land, as well as Spaz’s monthly donation with $9.99! Thank you both!!
Gicts has lent his services with this crazy clipping tool, yet to be deployed but it’ll sure as fuck be exciting when it happens!!
The Wolf is on the prowl, and Sir Spencer of Bowl After Bowl has a donation to paypal for $15!
Thank you CaptainCaveman for the very lovely poem!
MakeHeroism was a very busy boy over the weekend, making some truly killer vaporheartwave gifs!! Check em out:
YUGE Thank You to PrivateBrowsing who gifted Lavish, among other things, a DAMN NEAR COMPLETE set of Man, Myth, and Magic - The Encyclopedia of the Supernatural… completing the collection to TWENTY-FOUR VOLUMES! (Only missing Volume 23, soon to be remedied)
3D Eternal Slumber
Kitty Tarleton sent a link to an absolute stunning archived website, called StereoGraveYart:
Prepared to be absolutely floored with some of these images!!
“Stereograveyart project borns out of passion. Our liking for necrotourism, our admiration for the artistic and architectural values of historical cemeteries, our fascination for their atmosphere, joins with the necessity of preserving all that beauty in one of the best possible ways: on 3D film photos.
We choose photografic film as it is the best image archiving system standing the test of time, and because its texture and organic structure captures quite perfectly the mood and sensations that these historical places evoke while visiting them. We choose stereo photography as is the only way -obviously- to perceive the depth on still images, what is key to enjoy sculpture and architecture. Besides, stereoscopic black and white has a component of magical realism which also reinforces the atmosphere in a very strong way.”
Brilliant, they used 35mm film for these, and developed it all in house!
You Sunk My Titanic!
⭐ First full-size 3D scan of Titanic shows shipwreck in new light
Titanic First ever full-sized scans reveal wreck as never seen before
The first full-sized digital scan of the Titanic has been created using 700,000 images. This allowed the production company to create a 3D model.
The scan was carried out in summer 2022 by Magellan Ltd, a deep-sea mapping company, and Atlantic Productions, who are making a documentary about the project.
Submersibles, remotely controlled by a team on board a specialist ship, spent more than 200 hours surveying the length and breadth of the wreck.
The Craziest Titanic Conspiracy Theories, Explained
Let’s hear some crazy conspiracies about the sinking!!
⭐ Documentary identifies new culprit in Titanic disaster
⭐ Moon blamed for Titanic disaster
Forget all this tho, and let’s hit the books! Pgs. 27-32
Vince McMahon Sings Shawn Michaels Theme
Arnold Schwarzenegger in Little Orphan Arnie
Pearl Energyy - The Lavish Birthday Song
Dashboard Denizens - Paul Birken
Panther Gap - The No Good Redwood Ramblers