S01E152: Saged 24/7
Tonight’s Tarot: The Princess of Pentacles
Freaks of Hazard:
We had one monthly donation from the crowd favorite CBrooklyn112 for $6.00!
Vox came in with a super secret $10.00!
SirVo and Capt. Oblivious are both the newest owners of BTS Logo Enamel Pins!! SirVo sent in $36.00 for his and the good Capt. sent $25.00! Thank you both so much, got a fun plan to leap frog this pin money into!!
Thank you again Matt Bigelow! Check out what he got working during the post show!! https://www.wavlake.com/track/1ef98f20-7a60-4818-85a7-35cb2346f182
Big thank you to LONE WOOF who hooked us up with a website redirect… check us out at bts.lol !!
“Greetings gentlemen, Mr. Edd here.
I just donated 12 dollars to your novel cause.
I've missed the last few shows since I was making the necessary adjustments for parental life, that's right mofos ! since 04/18 I am a father. As always, I wish I could donate more than I do and I hope we get the opportunity later to talk about the antichrist and stuff. Great show and thank you for all you do.
Love and respect 🫡”
Welcome Mr. Edd Junior!
Procopius: History of The Wars
Volume IV of H.B. Dewing’s Loeb edition (1924)
From the time of Justinian (wiki) [6TH CENTURY]
🍤 “It was at that time also that the whale, which the Byzantines called Porphyrius, was caught. This whale had been annoying Byzantium and the towns about it for fifty years, not continuously, however, but disappearing sometimes for a rather long interval. And it sank many boats and terrified the passengers of many others, driving them from their course and carrying them off to great distances. It had consequently become a matter of concern to the Emperor Justinian to capture this creature, but he was unable by any device to accomplish his purpose. But I shall explain how it came to be captured in the present instance. It happened that while a deep calm prevailed over the sea, a very large number of dolphins gathered close to the mouth of the Euxine Sea. And suddenly they saw the whale and fled wherever each one could, but the most of them came in near the mouth of the Sangarius.
“Meanwhile the whale succeeded in capturing some of them, which he swallowed forthwith. And then, either still impelled by hunger or by a contentious spirit, it continued the pursuit no less than before, until, without noticing it, it had itself come very close to the land. There it ran upon some very deep mud, and, though it struggled and exerted itself to the utmost to get out of it as quickly as possible, it still was utterly unable to escape from this shoal, but sank still deeper in the mud. Now when this was reported among all the people who dwelt round about, they straightway rushed upon the whale, and though they hacked at it most persistently with axes on all sides, even so they did not kill it, but they dragged it up with some heavy ropes. And they placed it on wagons and found its length to be about thirty cubits, and its breadth ten. Then, after forming several groups and dividing it accordingly, some ate the flesh immediately, while others decided to cure the portion which fell to them.”
🍤 The whale was given the name Porphyrios by Byzantine sailors; the name is sometimes alternatively rendered as Porphyrius, Porphyrion, Porphyry or Porphyrio and it’s origin is not clear. Common hypotheses on the name include it being derived from the contemporary charioteer Porphyrius or from the mythological giant Porphyrion, who waged war against the gods of Greek mythology. Anthony Kaldellis suggested in 2010 that the name of the whale alluded to the imperial purple and was thus "a sign of the respect in which the whale was held".[4] This idea was also supported by Sian Lewis and Lloyd Llewellyn-Jones in 2018, who believed the name alluded to the color of royalty and was a sign of great awe for the whale.
🍤 In 1996, James Allan Stewart Evans suggested that the name was a reference to the color of the whale's skin. Porphyra meant a deep purple color in Greek and Porphyrios might have had dark-wine colored skin. This was further supported by John K. Papadopoulos and Deborah Ruscillo in 2002, who believed the name simply meant "purple". Daniel Ogden in 2008 also supported the idea that Porphyrios evoked the color of the whale, believing that the name was best interpreted as "purple boy".
🍤 If the name is a reference to the skin color, it could support either identification since both the black of orcas and dark brownish gray of sperm whales could be misinterpreted as dark purple.
An Excerpt
from Captain Sidd’s “Sidd and Slim’s Stories”
🥩 Texas Slim is a rancher and founder of the Beef Initiative, a trade group working on decentralizing and localizing food through quality animal production and sound money, securing food chains
🥩 Captain Sidd researches and writes about finance, monetary history, and Bitcoin. His website is WhatIsMoney.info. He also runs motorcycle tours in Thailand specifically tailored to the Bitcoin crowd
A Texas Cowboy Enters The Jungle
🥩 “As Slim and I planned his trip to Thailand, he kept mentioning his desire to "get lost in the jungle." What drew this Texas cowboy to Thailand wasn’t beaches or women or fresh fruit. For him and myself, the attraction to Thailand isn’t about these things.
“It’s about looking in the mirror at ourselves. It is about picking apart and reflecting on the culture we’ve been immersed in. It’s about letting the current take us way out of our comfort zones. Only a culture completely different from the one we were raised in, encountered off the path beaten by tourists, can bring that experience.
“During Slim's visit, we were fortunate enough to visit a community that actively resists the debt-driven consumerist society that has consumed America and much of the Western world. That community is a so-called "hill tribe" in Northern Thailand. Often seen by much of Thai and international society as poor subsistence farmers only one government school away from wealth and happiness, many of them are deeply misunderstood.
🥩 “In reality, many of these tribes are well aware of how modern society tears apart communities and destroys wealth. They have little interest in handouts and much prefer their traditional, self-sufficient ways. Donated rice might be fed to their pigs; they grow far better rice. Donated clothing might be stuffed in the walls of their homes; they make far more comfortable and suitable clothing by hand.
“They don’t want your pity, and they definitely don’t want your misery.
“These people are living and breathing self-sovereign communities, and they didn’t learn it from a Bitcoiner’s blog post – they learned it from their ancestors, going back thousands of years. They don’t know what ESG means, but they know how to be responsible stewards of the land better than any keyboard warrior at the UN.
🥩 “Our modern societies – drunk on debt, destroyed in health, and exhausted in spirit – could learn a great deal from societies that never strayed down that path.”
Seed My Cloud
🧊 Silver iodide AgI is an inorganic compound with the formula AgI. The compound is a bright yellow solid, but samples almost always contain impurities of metallic silver that give a gray coloration. The silver contamination arises because AgI is highly photosensitive. This property is exploited in silver-based photography. Silver iodide is also used as an antiseptic and in cloud seeding
🧊 Silver Iodide is manufactured by combining Potassium iodide KI and Silver Nitrate AgNO3
🧊 As an oxidant, silver nitrate should be properly stored away from organic compounds. Despite its common usage in extremely low concentrations to prevent gonorrhea and control nosebleeds, silver nitrate is still very toxic and corrosive.[22]
A Tale Of Two Trumans
Caught glimpses of a new reality tv show called “Jury Duty”, and boy howdy did I have feelings about this one. Created by the same brains behind The Office, this show details a fake civil case where all except one man were in on the gag. The judge, the plaintiff, the defendant, the lawyers, all actors. One man by the name Ronald Gladden was interviewed in his own words, “for months”, thinking he was applying to be on jury duty for a local low budget documentary on the justice system.
⭐ James Marsden on “Jury Duty” Hero Ronald Gladden
Jury Duty On Public Access - God, Colbert is such a tool…thank god Amazon is here to protect against the impending gloom of the WGA strike!
I Helped Them Soak - Crank the tool, THREE. MORE. TICKS! Also, did James Marsden really say the most horrible things he could think of on this show? Nah.
Hopefully He Doesn't Have A Mental Breakdown - This is most definitely not a prank show.
⭐ Jury duty episode 5: Soaking Scene
If you would like to hear a shortish clip from the actual show.
⭐ Newfound star Ronald Gladden dishes on new docu-style comedy, 'Jury Duty'
Our Guest Thought It Was All Real - Time to roll out the GMA interviews, HAHAHAHAHA!
Man This Guys Sucks - Ronald certainly has caught the hearts of all the interviewers he’s had to chat with. He’s so tall! And handsome! Ladies watch out, he’s got a heart of gold!!
⭐ Ronald Gladden on the Reveal of Jury Duty and Almost Getting Physical with James Marsden
Life Without Phones - This clip…truth wants to come out much from the KFC guys giving the interview? Geez…you have the right to a speedy trial just so that I can get back on my phone.
Pushing The Envelop - It’s a delicate scheme running a ruse like this on someone. Sounds like they pushed a little too hard at times. Gonna give it away yo!
Jorf - *cringe* Host makes t-shirts to sale based off the show and that’s the one he chose to roll with?? Then be like, ah nah I don’t wear this out in public. Give me a break dude.
Smile, You’re On Camera - What did Ronald feel about the big reveal and also how did he take finding everyone involved was an actor? Classic spycraft, everything is fake.
Um Are You Single - Great point, what is the world without enigma?
I Don’t Wanna Talk About This For An Hour - Wonder how long he'll have to give this same interview.
Censor This - Censor that for the camera, also bro you don't have to incriminate yourself. Wonder what those words he used to use were...
The Push - Will stripe ban Netflix for this show? They should.
The Moral Obstacle Course - Fed fed fed fed fed!
And of course this is the production crew shot once the gag was revealed.
Which brings us to an interesting parallel. MakeHeroism turned me onto a new project from Sam Hyde, and boy howdy it’s a doozy! Who do you think did it better? I only started tuning in last night and it did not disappoint. Ghost hunting, awkward marriage proposals, singling Simple Man that was just one night. This show has been swatted, constant competitions, one contestant was kicked off for seemingly publishing pedo related books. Strange entities visit the house (see below), it’s certainly appearing as a wild time. You can buy tokens as well to use for interaction with the contestants. See below for examples. This show is just screaming to be lightning enabled. There’s a chat, and the website interface gives some Five Nights at Freddy’s type vibes the way you can click thru the various camera feeds. Pretty crazy, it’s almost exactly like peering into the fishbowl.
⭐ Sam Hyde’s Psychotic Reality Show | Fishtank S1

⭐ https://www.fishtank.live/
Ghost Hunting - This is what I caught live last night.
Touch My Body - Lol wtf?
⭐ Sam Hyde BANNED Over Hit New Reality Show Fishtank Live!
Stripe Will Come For You - A tale as old as time.
The Tweets - What did Stripe actually say about this incident?
Unpersoning - Some speculating as to what could have caused Stripe to deplatform the Fishtank. Another reason could be a large amount of credit card chargebacks, which sounds just as valid. Still, you step outta line, we pull your credit. ‘Nuff said, Mastercard is calling these shots now.
The Definition Of Insanity - “We have to do something! Follow us at…/me checks notes…uhhh “Pararral Economy”. The Pool boy loves it.
⭐ THE ENTITY APPEARS | Fish tank Live | Day 10
80 Deaths In 8 Days - Paul Birken and the Dirty Party Snakes
[Courtesy of LNBeats and the Podcast Index, Lavish BTS May 2023]