S01E151: The Writing On The Lawn
Tonight’s Tarot: The Princess (Queen) of Swords Reversed
Freaks of Hazard:
Kitty Tarleton had her monthly satiny donation $6.66 land, as well as Sir CrossStitch with his $5.33! Thank you both very much!!!
Boolysteed and Petar are the new proud owners of BTS pins which can be found at https://shop.behindthesch3m3s.com/! If you send some pics in we’ll be happy to add them to the notes!!! Boolysteed sent $19.50 for her and Petar $18.00 for his!
An unnamed producer compiled the “Weather Wars” story featured below! Great work caller!!
Thank you again Matt Bigelow! Check out what he got working during the post show!! https://www.wavlake.com/track/1ef98f20-7a60-4818-85a7-35cb2346f182
The Internet is Made of Demons
A theory circulated online postulates that the internet is made of demons. One meme used as an example, described seeing a post on Instagroan that was a screenshot of a reddit post, containing a screenshot of a 4chan post, containing a screenshot of twitter post that featured two images. Microprocessor schematics and Solomonic sigils. ‘Boy I love trapping demons in microscopic silicon megastructures to do my bidding, I sure hope nothing goes wrong.’ One and the same. See meme below as an example.
The king’s pact binds them. They cannot show themselves or speak to us.
1) Create ways to see without seeing
2) Create ways to speak without speaking
Like, follow, and ring the bell amiright?
Think of the internet not as a communications tool, but instead as a platform where we, the user, are spoken through. See examples of group talk on TikTok, ice bucket challenges, the homogenization of language. Lastly, the author address an Instagroan meme where people respond with "My brother in Christ'', which is used as a demonstration of a "meme" losing its power i.e. Christ's name losing the ability to scatter demons.
Online dialog is a system of constant rewards. You can quantify how well received your thoughts are thru metrics and likes/retweets. The game is irresistible. People end up saying things that they would expect the machine (or algos) would like. Sound familiar?
"We're being censored" vs "I'm gonna say things to game the algo". The incentive structure that channels your thoughts negates the concerns of free speech. Now we have compelled speech.
A friend of the author had the realization that because she was on the internet, there would be people who champion her death. "Hundreds of people would celebrate". Folks would laugh at her demise in the "shared commitment to justice and liberation and a better future for all."
The author also laments that they too felt this way about individuals on the internet and their tweets. "How did I manage to convince myself that all of this was somehow in the service of the good?"
Speak without speaking. Social media exists between speech and writing. SM belongs to the now, an instant with a timestamp, it belongs to "now". As with writing, there's an archive. SM is dialogic and responsive, with endless instantaneous back and forths. Like writing, the audience is not present at the moment. A book or a letter is a trace of a person. The screen, instead of a page, of a collection of pixels and wires showing you people who aren't there talking to you like they were human.
The internet simulates being around people, ways that writing cannot emulate.
Philosopher Emmanuel Lévinas stated your ethical responsibilities came from people's faces, as in looking someone in the eye. “The face is what prohibits us from killing" or " “The human face is the conduit for the word of God.”
The world of Feedbag is a world without faces, dead avatars line the app. Only images and visages. The author describes Facetime as if it was like playing with a haunted puppet. You cannot talk to directly or look the other facetime user in the eyes. "The machine is talking thru you to itself".
The internet is training you to believe other people aren't people. !ding. It is also not a self contained entity. The author describes stories of children trying to swipe on photographs and windows, because they expect their environment to behave like a phone.
Studies are concluding that empathy is declining in young internet users since the 2000's. People are becoming less capable of in person communication, feelings of loneliness are on the rise. 22% of millennials say they have no friends.
The machine provides it all, food to your door, entertainment to your eyes, passions on demand to your heart. Who shall we hate and love today Dave?
Demonic sigils originate from grimoires from the 16th/17th century, like the Lesser Key of Solomon which was republished and changed by Crowley. Much of the work in the book was lifted from Steganographia, a book of magic written by Johannes Trithemius, a Benedictine abbot and polymath, around 1499.
The author goes on to state that this book is a blueprint for the internet. It contains spells and incantations used to summon aerial spirits. These spirits can be used to send messages vast distances, and by messages it could mean secret information. He goes on further describing where one would write a letter, face the east, recite the incantation, the letter would arrive to the recipient, they would in turn face the west and recite the same spell. Thus, the secret intention of the message would be revealed. "A kind of magic writing that works like speech, instant and immediate. Not an object composed by another person, but a direct simulation of their thoughts—and one that’s delivered by an invisible, intangible network, covering every inch of the world."
Trithemius does repeatedly warn that the spirits might harm you if given the chance. And while his internet can be used for godly ends, it can also be used for evil. “For though this knowledge is good in and of itself and quite useful to the State, nevertheless if it reached the attention of twisted men (God forbid), over time the whole order of the State would become disturbed, and not in a small way.”
This book contains a secret, that being it was really a book of cryptography. Decoding the spell referenced above roughly translates in latin/german “take the first letter of every word.”.
"Trithemius warns that Pamersyel is “insolent and untrustworthy,” and that the spirits under his command “speed about and by filling the air with their shouts they often reveal the sender’s secrets to everyone around."
The third volume was decoded in 1998 by AT&T. !ding.
Pamersyel and other demons are algos, mathematical expressions. Related to the Enigma machine, for which computers were invented to decode it. "Demons disguise themselves as technology, technology disguises itself as demons; both end up being one and the same thing."
The meaning of the internet is a world lived at a distance. It is “only the most recent permutation in a complex of behaviors that is as deeply rooted in who we are as a species as anything else we do: our storytelling, our fashions, our friendships; our evolution as beings that inhabit a universe dense with symbols." - The Internet Is Not What You Think It Is, Justin E.H. Smith.
In The Internet Is Not What You Think It Is, Smith gives examples of early prototypes like the Brazen Head. An early automaton that seemed almost magical. It could answer yes or no questions. The creator's contemporaries thought it to be the work of the devil. Here we are again in the same boat with ChatGPT.
If we can build artificial brains, what does that say about our own brains?
Ancient mystics saw this world of interconnected invisible communications, like elephants stomping, or plants and pheromones'. "Throughout the living world, telecommunication is more likely the norm than the exception.", and that the always existed, a “system of hidden filaments or threads that bind all things.”
Lludd and Llefelys, one of the medieval Welsh tales collected in the Mabinogion, is a vision of the internet. In fact, it describes the internet twice. Here, a terrible plague has settled on Britain: the arrival of the Coraniaid, an invincible supernatural enemy. What makes the Coraniaid so dangerous is their incredibly sharp hearing. They can hear everything that’s said, everywhere on the island, even a whisper hundreds of miles away. They already know the details of every plot against them. People have stopped talking; it’s the only way to stay safe. To defeat them, the brothers Lludd and Llefelys start speaking to each other through a brass horn, which protects their words. Today, we’d call it encryption. But this horn contains a demon; whatever you speak into it, the words that come out are always cruel and hostile. This medium turns the brothers against each other; it’s a communications device that makes them more alone. In the story, the brothers get rid of the demon by washing out the horn with wine.
⭐ EXPOSED: How Demons can enter you through Computer Games and The Internet.
Well He Has A Computer - Somewhere in Africa a preacher confronts a lady demon possessing a young man.
We Want The Stars - Turns out if you just ask the demon they’ll tell you what you want to know!
⭐ Demons of the Internet
A Window Into Hades -
The Magic Wand aka Finger -
Pull Back The Curtain -
King James Pyramid Scheme -
https://www.binarytranslator.com/ om = 01101111 01101101
⭐ Chip Manufacturing - How are Microchips made? | Infineon
Crystal Wands -
The Five Point Element -
The Gatekeeper -
'The Devil's element': the dark side of phosphorus
Phosphorus is essential for the building blocks of DNA. When combined with oxygen, it binds our DNA together. It is also described as the "Devil's Element".
Many colors exist, red white yellow black (!ding) violet and recently pink.
It was discovered by Hennig Brandt, who was boiling his own P I S S in hopes of distilling gold. After heating stagnant pee, Brandt isolated a white and waxy solid. He also observed that this substance glowed in the dark.
He named this new substance phosphorus, after the Greek for “light bearer” !ding !ding !ding !ding !ding. He had hoped to use it for candles but it was far too stinky and flammable to be used as such.
It's also hypothesized that new substance phosphorus, after the Greek for “light bearer”. It's also believed that this build up is responsible for spontaneous human combustion. Also attributed to phosphorus could be the escaping gasses of corpses in shallow graves creating glowing "mist" or will of the wisps.
Turns out phosphorus poisonings are eerily similar to radium poisonings. Many people fell ill in the process of producing match sticks.
"Symptoms would start off with tooth ache, then the teeth would fall out. The face would swell up and abscesses along the jaw would ooze the most foul-smelling pus. Holes would open up in the face along the jawline, through which could be seen the dead bone underneath. Sometimes the bone glowed in the dark from the accumulated phosphorus. The only remedy was to remove the individual from exposure to phosphorus – but this wasn’t really an option, as they would lose their income. Instead, to prevent phosphorus from moving to the internal organs and killing the individual through liver damage, the affected jawbone was removed."
⭐ The Disruptive Transistor and Where It Came From
The iPhone, brought to you by Bardeen, Shockley, and Brattain
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NA 1545 Transistor Talk 2 -
⭐ The Transistor: a 1953 documentary, anticipating its coming impact on technology
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🍒 Semiconductor production process explained
🍒 EXPOSED: How Demons can enter you through Computer Games and The Internet.
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Dear Lord, The Ribs You Took...
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