Tonight’s Tarot:
Freaks of Hazard:
We had dag and SirVo come thru with some banger isos!
SirCandinavian and Squalorbill both came in with $33.33 thru paypal for a satany total of $66.66! Holy shit and thank you!
Look out, bees, these creatures of the night are super spreaders
Moths Are the Unsung Heroes of Pollination
⭐ Yucca Moth
Without You and Without Me - Check out this dandy little moth that gets drunk off tequila! it's little moth babies feed off seeds it pollinates itself.
⭐ David Attenborough Witnesses a BIZARRE Pollination Process | Nature Bites
Sweet Nectar - Why are all these orchids so oddly...sexual? And for those deep deep shafts who could you possibly call to come collect the nectar??
⭐ For the love of moths | Beneficial animals and insects | Gardening Australia
The Underdog - It's off to Oz to absolutely FOAM! Our numbers are immeasurable!!
Wow What Is This One?? - Get your towels ready ladies and gentlemen!
Trust The Science - And listen to the experts!
ROTHSCHILDIA AUROTA (Tips And Tricks On How To Breed...Giggity)
20 Moth Species More Beautiful Than Butterflies
BugInfo Moths (Cool Old Photos and Prints)
⭐ WCCO I Team Report on Casey Ramierz, 1982
The Miami Of The North - Introduction to Casey Ramriez of Princeton MN. It's all free!
None Of It Is True - Can we get some fact checkers on this guy?!
A Song As Old As Time - Classic fed job.
The City Was In - Even tho city officials were aware he was being investigated, he still was able to purchase the airport from them, and also take over running the fuel for the site. They however got cold feet with one specific offer.
Capwned - Classic classic blunder.
Alphabet Soup - Just who was investigating Casey?
Preamble - PLAY ME FIRST
Doesn't Matter To Me - Let's hear some of the locals discuss taking these generous gifts. It's none of yer damn business!,9171,926751,00.html
Top Cops (TV Series) Claudia Salerno/Michele Leonhart and John Boulger/James Birtcher (1991)
⭐ Top Cops TV Series Intro (1991)
Couldn’t find this specific episode but here’s a whole fuck ton of episodes: Top Cops (1990-1993)
⭐ DEA Head's Absurd Marijuana Testimony
Hang Thy Head - I think I might actually miss the old Cenk. It's hilarious to hear him state only god knows why Obama would appoint Leonhart to admin of the DEA. Cenk is quite physically hanging his head here.
Thanks Obama - Further cope, but let's hear some of this testimony.
⭐ Dead Kids = Winning The War On Drugs According To DEA Head
This Is Winning - A small demo of alleged Bush like tactics as far as winning the war on drugs. More violence equals success!
⭐ Marijuana Legalization Will Kill Puppies! According To DEA Head
Hide Your Kids Hide Your Dogs - It's crazy that there existed a time when it was easy to vibe with the Young Turks. Great point that dogs get blasted away in raids all the time. Plus there's the whole chocolate aspect that gets brought up. 13k. Legend has
⭐ Polis Questions DEA on Marijuana Policy
All Illegal Drugs Are Bad - Drugs are bad mmmkay? Because the gubment said so, mmmk? A bonus clip if time, but to sum up illegal drugs are dangerous because they are illegal. I think.
An Emerging Threat - We never trusted the science. No, it's definitely not a good idea to use med weed to off ramp people off scripts.
⭐ War on What? - First Visit by a DEA Director to an Active War
Leonhart's Poppies - An absolute throwback. Leonhart takes a trip to the heart of opium country! The USA has never looked more like an invading force!! Also Oliver North is reporting on this?
⭐ DEA Chief Worried About a New "Epidemic”
As Prescribed - There's a new terror on the streets, and I don't necessarily disagree with her. Total fauxpaux blaming the "medicine cabinet". Teen proof your house and kick them the fuck out. Imagine the danger!!
⭐ Report: Taxpayer dollars paid for DEA sex parties
⭐ Game of Crimes 10A Michele Leonhart
A Friend In Need - Just what was the flashpoint? This is during her time after moving to Baltimore and joining the police force there. Also both of these hosts are spooks:
⭐ Game of Crimes 10B Michele Leonhart
The Greatest Day - Kudos for the sovreign Vatican state call out!
White Suit, Gold Rings - Tjunta