Tonight’s Tarot:
Freaks of Hazard:
Qwaffy had a monthly $3.33 donation come in thru paypal! Thank you for all the support all this time!! He also did this art up below for us!
MakeHeroism has donated a body for tonight’s boosting pleasure!
2033: [Eat The Bugs]
4444: [Boost A Body: Watch Your Head!]
4444: [Boost A Body: I Want Your Skull!]
4444: [Boost A Body: Watch Your Fingers!]
8888: [Boost A Gimp: Light Em Up!]
13696: [Deface Some Fine Art]
TurboFaygot is returning the shopping cart with tonight’s opening clip submission.
Special thanks to Cretched and Joe for having us on the Cretched and Joe Show this past Saturday! Lavish, Boo-Bury, and Sir SirSeatSitter were all present for it! You check that out here! Not OBDM 03112023 - Cryptids, Paranormal, Conspiracy, Strange News
⭐ Was Minneapolis Public Schools hacked? A cybersecurity expert weighs in
Hackers Use Stolen Student Data Against Minneapolis Schools in Brazen New Threat
The State of Ransomware in the US Report and Statistics 2022
Brownshirt - A stooge for an oppressive political movement
Pro-State Lefties love to call people Nazis.
Those who do not subscribe exclusively and entirely to the corporate/state uniparty narrative are dehumanized, silenced… simplified into a string of exhausted keywords and empty clichés. It is a mindset that confuses compliance with critical thought. It is behavior that mirrors the very thing they claim to hate.
Power is power. Whether you label it Communist, Fascist, Monarchial, or anything else, Power is attained and maintained through basically the same means. Leaders set an agenda, and followers carry out orders.
One important aspect of Power is silencing or mocking opposition.
History may not repeat, but it does often rhyme. The language we use to define certain movements, political or otherwise, only re-labels an eternal phenomenon which keeps occurring again and again through countless generations.
The only difference between us and peoples of the past are what information and technology we have available, and what traumas we experience. Otherwise, the emotions, the drives, the goals, the tools, are about the same.
“The Sturmabteilung, SA; literally "Storm Detachment") was the original paramilitary wing of the Nazi Party. It played a significant role in Adolf Hitler's rise to power in the 1920s and 1930s. Its primary purposes were providing protection for Nazi rallies and assemblies, disrupting the meetings of opposing parties, fighting against the paramilitary units of the opposing parties, especially the Roter Frontkämpferbund of the Communist Party of Germany (KPD) and the Reichsbanner Schwarz-Rot-Gold of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD), and intimidating Romani, trade unionists, and especially Jews.
“The SA were colloquially called Brownshirts (Braunhemden) because of the color of their uniform's shirts, similar to Benito Mussolini's blackshirts. The official uniform of the SA was a brown shirt with a brown tie. The color came about because a large shipment of Lettow-shirts, originally intended for the German colonial troops in Germany's former East Africa colony,[2] was purchased in 1921 by Gerhard Roßbach for use by his Freikorps paramilitary unit. They were later used for his Schill Youth organization in Salzburg, and in 1924 were adopted by the Schill Youth in Germany.[3] The "Schill Sportversand" then became the main supplier for the SA's brown shirts. The SA developed pseudo-military titles for its members, with ranks that were later adopted by several other Nazi Party groups, chief amongst them the Schutzstaffel (SS), which originated as a branch of the SA before it was separated from it after the Night of the Long Knives.
“After Adolf Hitler ordered the Night of the Long Knives (die Nacht der langen Messer) in 1934, he withdrew his support for the SA. The SA continued to exist but lost almost all its influence, and was effectively superseded by the SS, which had carried out Hitler's orders in the purge, and thereafter was formally removed from the SA. The SA remained in existence until after Nazi Germany's final capitulation to the Allies in 1945, after which it was disbanded and outlawed by the Allied Control Council.”
(From Wiki)
These Brownshirts were on the front lines leading up to Hitler becoming Chancellor. They were ideological thugs. Students, professors, policemen. They engaged in some activities that are still well-known today.
Let’s go over a few of those famous events now.
On May 10, 1933 student groups at universities across Germany carried out a series of book burnings of works that the students and leading Nazi party members associated with an “un-German spirit.”
Perhaps the most infamous instance of such in the modern era, the physical burning of books also represented a larger, cultural rejection of ideas and perspectives.
In the age of the internet, book burnings have taken a new form.
Social Media platforms serve many roles these days: public squares, markets, forums of debate, libraries and archives, news outlets, and so on.
The current incarnation of “book burning” happens online and on television, through the censorship and mockery of opposing views and valid criticism. Accounts are banned, criticism is deleted, echo chambers are fortified. Major News outlets are controlled by special interests and Intelligence Community spooks, and do not produce a high-quality journalistic product. They only dish out misinformation, ads, and propaganda.
Brownshirts forcefully insist that their ideas, actions, and ways of living are the correct way, and that if you do not comply, then you are the enemy and must be destroyed. They are the heroes of their own fan fiction. There is no discussion, no middle ground. Only ad hominem attacks and vitriol.
Those who participate in such a hostile destruction of opposing voices are indeed parroting the exact sentiment of book burnings. They change language and definitions to placate their own broken ideology. They write legislation to force you to use words that didn’t exist a few years ago, words which only apply to a tiny fraction of the overall public. They silence doctors who criticize Big Pharma and the State for fabricating a health crisis to engage in draconian overreach and covert genocide. They call you a murderer for not participating in useless mask-wearing, and force service people (the help) to wear them while they are exempt. They call you unpatriotic for not wanting to pay for and participate in a banker’s war abroad that kills tens of thousands of men, women, and children. They call you a tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist for acknowledging that there are shadowy power-players out there, and an obvious effort for one-world government. They are driven by a madness, a fervor bordering on religious fanaticism, much like the Brownshirts of 1933.
They even follow a similar playbook!
On February 27, 1933, the German parliament (Reichstag) building burned down due to arson. The Nazi leadership and its German Nationalist coalition partners exploited the fire (and likely started it in the first place) to persuade President Paul von Hindenburg that Communists were planning a violent uprising to derail Germany’s "national renewal." They claimed that emergency legislation was needed to prevent this. Commonly known as the Reichstag Fire Decree, the resulting act “For the Protection of the People and State” abolished a number of constitutional protections and paved the way for Nazi dictatorship.
In other words, violent actors from within the Nazi Party (the Brownshirts) staged a false flag attack on the German Parliament building, and used it as a political tool to strip liberties and consolidate power for the State. Sound familiar?
There is no shortage of evidence and tasteful edits out there showing January 6 to be a false flag orchestrated by our own government as a Reichstag-style tool to control public sentiment and dupe people into accepting totalitarianism and a highly suspect and very likely corrupted presidential election. Currently, Tucker Carlson of Fox News is under fire from all sides for presenting unreleased security footage that shows Capital Police letting people in and coordinating the events of that day.
Despite this, the Brownshirts have decided to be duped. This is their calling card, a fake little drama they can cite to denounce the enemy. Nevermind that this unarmed, peaceful protest happened in the wake of the BLM Riots, the most extreme acts of public vandalism and violence since the Vietnam era. For them to support sieges on small businesses and federal buildings, and then condone a glorified sightseeing event at the Capital, tells you all you need to know about their flawed mentality, and what it is they are truly trying to accomplish.
History does indeed rhyme. While these people may not be hardened veterans of World War 1 (the most hellish war of modernity), they are attempting to accomplish the same type of cultural oppression as the early rendition of the Nazi party.
The Brownshirt lives on! 🍕
Clip Sources
Who Were The SA/Sturmabteilung?
27th February 1933: Reichstag building in Berlin set on fire in an arson attack
Church Of The Motherfucker
It was thirty years ago this badass manifesto dropped, let’s take a read and reflect!
⭐ The Cypherpunks before bitcoin
The Cypherpunks - The journey to creating comes from a place we all love dearly...being a punk. This is extremely essential to our democracy. Too bad one of the O.G.'s tried to bring the system in.
Satoshi Nakamoto - Along comes a satoshi, bringing decentralized currency back to life. The 2008 collapse is what we should be thanking right now.
Don't Talk To Feds - Turns out Wikileaks could have almost accidently taken down Bitcoin, if they had chosen to find refuge from Paypal in the coin. Satoshi begged them not too as it would bring too much heat. Satoshi gets it. Truly.
No Cult Of Personality - Let's hear a little more on the mindsets of some of the O.G. cypherpunks. It's cool to see a project outgrow the creator. Can start at 2:10 if needed.
The Silk Road - There is one individual who got Bitcoin in the mouth of many, the man known Dread Pirate Roberts. His crime? Creating an open market. But holy shit, the guy that brought him in? We've touched very close to him before.
Introducing Hacker And The Fed - Everybody has a fuckin podcast…
We got more on Hector here: S01E86: Ghost of Kief, Sitting President of Nothing
Make Him An Example - Just as reminder what will happen if you don't cut in the Feds. You people!
Charles Shrem - Another snapshot into a man who got the book thrown at him. Bent over by a fan favorite no less!
Attracting Regulators - Because of the Mt. Gox collapse, the suits came sniffing around looking how to provide us protection. Let's listen in to some of these hearings. The main DB is a dude by the name of Benjamin Lawsky, he was chair of the New York State Department of Financial Services at this time. Listen to the excuses!! They ended up pushing thru the Bitlicense, which was made to “protect” consumers, but it’s more legal red tape.
It's Now Law - Just a cherry on top here.
This manifesto (and extension video) I found because this crazy cool resource online called Most of the links are dead but if you poke around long enough on the way back machine you’ll see some really awesome throwbacks, like diagrams on how to wire your own phone phreaking boxes.
AntiOnline's Phreaking Box Archives (1-10)
One hobby that is always worth checking of course how to pick locks! Guide to Lock Picking
But perhaps most interesting was this website, an old forum dedicated to disinformation. What’s crazy is I recognized the logo instantly, as I actually have a hard copy print of one of their books!
⭐ Memes Beyond Human Comprehension
The Holy Grail Of Memes
Spacial Tiers
Humor Over Rumor
Cultural Transmissions
Brian Wilson Shock Treatment - The Circle Is a Square
Bee Bee Sea - This Dog Is The King Of The Losers
Ghost - Kiss The Go-Goat (Instrumental Cover)