Tonight’s Tarot:
Freaks of Hazard:
Qwaffy double scoops with another $3.33 paypal! Thank you for the continued support!
Tee-hee MakeHeroism has something super fun for tonight.
NoBeret alerted me to the goat story for tonight!
Boo-Bury was also a guest on ABS ‘N A 6-Pack Ep 181 - Actorvists!
HBO’s Velma, created by Mindy Kalig (the annoying girl from The Office), is coming under fire from all angles as one of the worst shows/cartoons to be released in living memory. Defacing a beloved classic, race baiting, impressively bad writing, astoundingly unlikeable characters, awkward sexuality, and an overall message foaming with hatred and insecurity, Velma is another resounding L in the string of L’s coming from Woke Hollywood.
Velma 2 - Selling Drugs
Velma 3 - Caught and Chase Scene
Velma 4 - Norville and Bathroom
Velma 5 - Rich White Dude
For the record, a quick dossier on Mindy Kalig…
Father was well-known architect, Mother was a doctor
Born and raised in well-to-do Cambridge, Massachusetts
Attended Dartmouth (Ivy League College)
At 19 years old, she was interning at Conan O’Brien (connections?)
Kaling said one of her worst job experiences was as a production assistant for three months on the Crossing Over With John Edward psychic show
By 25, she was a writer and recurring character on The Office
Minority Stake Holder of major Soccer Team
Never has held a real job
2 kids with 2 different fathers who’s identities are unknown
Mindy 2 - First POC
Mindy 3 - Insight
Good Luck, Mindy!
Help I’m slippin into the…
⭐ Religious animal sacrifice to continue in Hamtramck as both sides sound off in council meeting
It’s Our Thing To Be Clean - The fight is off in this sleepy little MI town over the right to ritualistically sacrifice animals on private property. Some folks are not happy this right exists, so they have to be heard you know?
⭐ Hamtramck City Council Meeting - January 10, 2023 - Part 1: Public Comments
Pink Haired Arguments - Well, hear them out!
Hamtramck council approves Islamic animal sacrifices at home
The council voted last Tuesday to allow without penalty the sacrifices.
This practice is observed during Eid al-Adha, and this city features one of the highest percentage of Muslim residents in the U.S, and is one of the most densely populated cities in MI.
City council, the first in the United States of an all Muslim background, were in favor of the practice, though it drew the ire of neighbors. Concerns raised included blood and entrails being visible everywhere, throats being slit in backyards, animal cruelty, sanitation problems etc.
Mayor Hassan stated this would not "blow up with the nasty blood, contamination."
There are also Orthodox Jews that travel in to the city for Yom Kippur to have chicken slaughtered by a halal butcher. Mostly the city is just worried about having the shit sued out of them. Can’t go around targeting groups yo.
Unfortunately, the Muslims aren’t very ally-forward as they’ve made their own complaints about pride flags being flown on city property. It’s an afront!
The original ordinance read: "No person shall slaughter any animal in the City except for properly licensed commercial facilities in the business of food preparation or police in the course of their duties or as permitted by law."
Limits proposed included requiring a fee, notifying the city, and blocking it from public view.
Hahahahahahahahahaha holy shit yes! V4V GOAT DUMPSTERS, “Ghalib and Hassan said some have proposed donating money to help with the sacrifices. Hassan said a potential donor spoke of spending $1,000 on a large container to dispose of the animal parts that could be placed on a corner at a set time around the Eid holiday.”
THE SUPREME COURT Animal Sacrifice; Court, Citing Religious Freedom,…
The Supreme Court ruled in 93 that Hialeah, FL’s ban of animal sacrifice by a local Santeria church was unconstitutional. All nine justice’s were in agreement on the matter. This ban was originally enacted in 1987. Justice Kennedy stated "The principle that government may not enact laws that suppress religious belief or practice is so well understood that few violations are recorded in our opinions”.
The ordinance was passed after plans were announced by the Church of Lukumi Babalu Aye announced they would be building worship centers to practice religious rites, which would include animal sacrifices.
"The record in this case compels the conclusion that suppression of the central element of the Santeria worship service was the object of the ordinances" - Kennedy
Justice Blackmun and Justice O’Connor said the Constitution was to protect all religious passages essentially, and that it “not only from laws that deliberately place special burdens on religious practice but also from general laws that place burdens on religion as an incidental effect.”
Both of them dissented in 1990, “Employment Division v. Smith, in which the Court refused to exempt members of an American Indian religion that uses peyote in its central ritual from a state law making criminal any use of peyote and other hallucinogenic drugs.” Scalia went on to write, “laws that happen to make a religious practice difficult or even impossible are constitutional as long as they are "neutral" and of "general applicability." Blackmun and O’Connor disseneted, "The First Amendment's protection of religion extends beyond those rare occasions on which the government explicitly targets religion or a particular religion for disfavored treatment".
One incident of goat sacrifice should not keep this man out of the U.…
This wacky story and character popped up while looking for potential artwork.
2016 FL Libertarian senate candidate Ausgustus Sol Invictus (Majestic Unconquered Sun) admitted to drinking goat’s blood for a ritual to the god of the wilderness. Funny enough the article said this, “Look, if we limit eligibility for public office to people who haven’t sacrificed a goat and drunk its blood in a pagan ritual to thank the god of the wilderness, we are forced to consider people like Ted Cruz and Donald Trump.”
“We need men who, when they kill a goat and drink its blood after sacrificing it in a pagan ritual, will step right up and admit it. We need, in a word, men like Augustus Sol Invictus.”
Wow, they sure don’t give out passes like this anymore, “Florida Libertarians complain that he’s giving the movement a bad name and trying to bring neo-Nazis into the party, but — look, I just am really impressed by his honesty on the goat thing.”
One day you’re fucking a pig’s head at college, and the next you’re the Prime Minster of England, “David Cameron had that #piggate — and nothing! Now, for once, there is a politician willing to disclose all his pagan sacrifices and animal husbandry failures!”
Articles of Reconstitution – Invictus MMXX
See the source of outrage for yourself. Not the goat blood drinking.
Don’t believe the correction — the Goat War is upon us - The Washingt…
Lol what? Spider goats? To be……continued?
Check out this A M A Z I N G stash of DIY flyers!!!


Loudermilk Talk like that - vocal fry
Heather McDonald Faints Onstage After Bragging About Being Vaxxed
Alex Vaan - Jackson

Where We Goat One, We Goat All.