S01E134: The Old Yellow Book
Tonight’s Tarot:
Freaks of Hazard:
Boolysteed sent a very nice Xmas card! MAKE GOOD!
Thank Qwaffy for the donation of $3.33!
Litebrite got a killer pin at the tattoo convention!
Here’s some other SCORES from the convention.
They Doth Protest Too Much…
Brazil is Burning
In response to the “election” of communist Lula da Silva as President of Brazil, thousands of Brazilian citizens stormed the federal capitol bearing flags and unleashing hell. There are many angles to this situation, but one thing is obvious: the US media can’t help but compare this to the unarmed “insurrection” which occurred at the US Capitol on January 6th, 2022.
Protests - Brazil 1 Current Whereabouts
Protests - Brazil 2 What's Going On
Protests - Brazil 3 The Election
Protests - Brazil 4 Trump's Fault
Extra Material: (Propaganda) Article (Here’s What You Need To Know lol)
President Lula da Silva in his younger years
Old Friends!
China is Burning
People are out rioting in the streets all over China in response to the Chinese-style lockdowns the Communist Party is attempting to enforce on over a billion of it’s own. In a rare display of mass defiance from the general public, the Chinese government begins an unprecedented acquiescence to popular demand at the expense of State interests.
Protests - China 1 Pushed to the Brink
Protests - China 2 How It Allegedly Happened
Protests - China 3 Things Get Political
Iran is Burning
Blood runs in the streets. So far, at least 516 Iranian citizens have been killed or executed, and over 1,900 people have been arrested. Official numbers fluctuate but it’s obvious that there is mass murder taking place. There exists a truly violent State, quite rooted in fundamentalism and religion.
France is… always Burning
Workers in the Energy Industry are taking advantage of a struggling sector and waging a very French uprising in the pursuit of better wages and benefits.
Protests - France 1 Energy Protest
The Mothman Cometh…
Fallout 76 is an online game set in the post-nuclear apocalypse of West Virginia, with a sprawling map filled with intricate details and lore. In the ruins of (the real town of) Point Pleasant, WV exist a cult worshipping a familiar face… the MOTHMAN.
The game statue
The real statue
Cult throne in game
Cultist (after a violent exchange)
Shot of the street in game
A MOTHMAN Creature found in the wild!
The Mountain of Granite
Thanks to Dean Reiner for turning me onto this!
⭐ Prognosis: Breakthrough Why the Mormon Church Loves Your DNA
Baptism Of The Dead - Who knew the LDS hosts the biggest annual genealogy conference called RootsTech. There was 10,000 attendees in London in 2019. It’s a huge conference filled with seminars, keynote speeches, and networking all dedicated to furthering the field of genealogical research. The reasons why Mormons want records may shock you!
Mormons, Genetics, & Digitized Data
Also called Vicarious or proxy baptisms. The Church’s stated goal is all deceased people will someday be baptized. Records are kept around the Globe. Because of this, Mormons have become experts in data storage.
They also pioneered the use of microfilm. By 2014, the records were 32 times the size of the US Library of Congress.
They got into some hot water for baptizing dead Jews and Catholics! Records were later refused to them.
Tech Then Service - Hear from the Church how their system came about.
Ancestry Dot Com - The plot thickens!
“The LDS church actively promotes DNA testing for its members to help them discover unknown branches of their family tree, and many of the first popular genetic testing kit companies were created by Mormons. In 2001, Mormon billionaire James Sorenson started one of the earliest genetic test kit companies, Relative Genetics, in part due to his religious interests. It was later bought by Ancestry.com, another Mormon company.”
⭐ FamilySearch | What's Your Story?
Billions of Records - A quick rundown on the numbers of FamilySearch.
⭐ Granite Mountain Records Vault
The Four Steps - Intro to the job of the Granite Mountain Vault
100 Years Of Searching - Touching back on how about this site come around.
FamilySearch Shares Plans to Digitize Billions of Records Stored at Granite Mountain Records Vault
“2.4 million rolls of microfilm containing approximately 3.5 billion images. The information links to billions of people in over 100 countries and is recorded in 170 languages.”
“unpublished records from churches and governments, parish registries, passenger lists, birth certificates, censuses, deeds, wills, family, town and county histories and even maps”
That’s A Lot Of Water - Another spotting??
The Modern Age - Wrapping up as we move into the digital age.
⭐ DNA-Video-Facebook Coming to FamilySearch
Capturing Social Media - What comes after DNA? Social feeds of course!
DNA tests may be a big seller this holiday season. Will you be giving away too much
“The problem is that when you send away a tube of your spit or a cheek swab, you are giving away your full genetic code. Every cell on that cheek swab carries the full sequence of your DNA, including the mutation pattern that makes it uniquely yours. “It’s the most valuable thing you own,” says Peter Pitts of the Center for Medicine in the Public Interest, a nonprofit advocacy group.”
What Spotify's DNA-Test Playlist Gets Wrong About Genetic Ancestry
LOL: Spotify “launched a collaboration with AncestryDNA. The partnership creates custom playlists for users based on DNA results they input: Oumou Sangaré for Mali, for example, and Ed Sheeran for England.”
⭐ FamilySearch Stories | Grandfather's Journal - Turning Hearts
True Wealth - Now this is something to support 100%.
⭐ Masonry and LDS Temples - Scott Gordon
Ritual Dramas - This is more of a bonus than anything, but this was a very interesting point on how something can be internalized.
Other greatest hits!
23andMe sold the rights to a drug it developed from its genetic database
GlaxoSmithKline makes $300M investment in 23andMe, forms 50-50 R&D pact
23andMe CEO defends practice of sharing genetic info with pharma companies
In an amazing turnaround, 23andMe wins FDA approval for its genetic tests - Vox
The Golden State Killer Is Tracked Through a Thicket of DNA, and Experts Shudder
Intelligence Committee members warn US of bioweapons targeting DNA of individual Americans
Exclusive: Concerns over China Fueled Pentagon Warning on DNA Kits
What You Should Know Before You Gift Someone a DNA Test
Police can request your DNA from 23andMe, Ancestry
Cops are asking Ancestry.com and 23andMe for their customers’ DNA | Fusion
If You've Given Your Genetic Code To A DNA Database, US Police May Now Have Access To It
23andMe Informed Me My Husband and I Are Related
She thought she was Irish — until a DNA test opened a 100-year-old mystery - Washington Post
China’s Biotechnology Development: The Role of US and Other Foreign Engagement
20 19.mp3 by Сукины Сыны / Sukiny Syny
Bill Burr "Trump is the biggest sh*t talker."
POTUS 🤌 [Copyright Free] NEFFEX
We're not candy Singing Pills, This is serious....
Shout 60 - Travellin' band (cover)
From The Dust - Interstellar Rush [Creative Commons] Argofox
Before and After Biden Visit to Border