S01E133: It's Never Morbin' Time, Blackstodon!
Tonight’s Tarot:
Freaks of Hazard:
Happy 100 Live Episodes of BTS at http://badradio.live/! Check out how much has changed!!! It’s been one hell of a climb, and we’re just getting started! https://www.behindthesch3m3s.com/2021/02/16/s01e33-the-scaly-show/
KS is here for the first donation of the year for $5.00! Thank you for the continued support!
We got some new goat murder weapons tonight!
Phifer dropped this rendering of Gal over at Spook.Social. The prompt was "Barbarella in a temple meditating on a pile of goats"!

Ricky can be found at rickymolnar.com and if you wanna get decentralized check out https://prometheus.systems/!
For all things Dad and Mew check these links out and listen to Dad’s Anime Podcast!
Shitposter Club Movie Night every Sunday at 5:30pm US Mountain
Refer back to Skirmish Of The Strawmen and LEO IS SALIVATING from S01E125: Delete System 32 for a more in depth look at what transpired on the first day of Journa.host, and a deep dive into the admin Adam Davidson.
⭐ News report from 1981 about the Internet
Imagine if you will, using a computer for the news! Some San Fran caught some attention for trying to onboard into the future. It’s kinda…wholesome to be fair. What changed? Funny, the headlines haven’t really changed…in this “fake-ish” ad.
⭐ Impact of Social Media on Journalism
Fast forward a couple of decades. Gone are the days of Cronkite, with tech in everyone’s hands anybody can be a journalist. By using social media of course. Social Sesame has forced the hands of J-schools, making them “adapt” to the shifts. Too bad they can’t keep up with teaching the kids the technology. They can’t keep up with the new trends! “First News, Second News“, like hearing Michael Jackson is first news, then confirming he died via CNN is second news. These are the folks leading a new generation of journos into being “leaders, not followers”. Yeah ok.
⭐ Is the Fediverse Too Difficult to Understand?
Changed 100 Percent - Let’s listen to TWiT discuss the recent of in flux of Fedi users. Hear grumpy men complain about Twitter and Elon joking about masturbating! One guy, poor guy, hasn’t checked his Twitter in a day and a half. Say goodbye to that community and brand! It’s been a quiet 3 years until these Twits started these mass migrations.
Black Twitter White Exodus - Naturally, Mastodon specifically is racist because it doesn’t offer the same tools and because of “white flight”. Speaking of racist, what does it mean to circle the wagon Jeff? Nothing like hearing old white guys argue back and forth about “Black Twitter and Black Mastodon”. Why is it people are so hell bent on counting demographics?
We Need Lawyers - Come to the Fedi, so that we can have centralized access points to news, like a Washington Post server. We need these groups because OMG WHAT IF THEY KILL 230?? CALL THE LAWYERS!!
Pink Slime People - After a very lengthy conversation on what it means to have a verified profile, Jeff shows some cards in hands for his disdain for people posing at journalists. Somebody get the authorities in here so I know who the fuck I’m talking! Apparently using the rel=me tag is eliteist, and racist. Not everybody has access to their header tag. It’s a display of geek hierarchy! People are definitely too stupid to figure out how to self-verify.
That's BS - Leo thinks Adam and Jeff are putting in waaaaay too much work trying to verify every applicant by hand. Just listen to how full of himself Jarvis is.
The Wrong Effect - This is a nice segue getting into the next video, examining a little more on what Adam did wrong when he set up Journa.host.
⭐ A Place For Journalists on Mastodon
Craig Craig Craig - Here’s the backgrounder on the journo server. They paid a loooooot of money to maintain it. Something tells me they don’t hurt too bad at this school.
From Twitter to Mastodon What Happens When Journalists Flock Platfor…
2000 members at time of publishing.
“To manage the flood of applicants, Mr. Davidson has been joined by a part-time volunteer staff of nine journalists, who verify new members; Mr. Davidson said that a few applicants had been rejected because they work in public relations. Journa.host received $12,000 in funding from the Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism at CUNY’s Tow-Knight Center, which has been used so far to pay server and domain registration fees.”
Gross: “a user and former magazine editor, compared journa.host to zine culture.”
“I am having a hard time letting go of the birdsite but I was raised by an alcoholic so I understand what a trauma bond is.”
There’s also a funny anecdote of one of Adam’s friends being forced off the platform week one.
⭐ Knight Innovation Awards: Presentation to Neil deGrasse Tyson
Now We Vet - Jeff also claims that if it wasn’t for the vetting, there would be 30k users.
Clickbait Tabloids - Lol, this one may be my favorite of the night. Let’s hear all the reasons given for why they were blocked by other instances.
Guilt By Association - The other foot/problem they encountered. They dared used a piece of software that was found on the internet.
Check out the Dreaded Kiwi Tool here!
No Eye Contact - This could be a bonus one, they drone on and on about the content warning tag. It’s pretty funny to hear Jeff say what should never be hidden.
Separate But Equal - The wrap, which hits a little close to home! Blocked! Blocked! Blocked!
⭐ Jeff Jarvis on Social Journalism
You wanna get sold on J-School? Take a listen here! The classes (in 2016) were: Two courses in reporting and writing, two in data, two in tools of journalism, and two in “ethics”. This school is very community focused,
⭐ 1994: "Today Show": "What is the Internet, Anyway?"
There was a time people didn’t know what the internet was…and they were pretty sexist about it.
What makes an a--hole an a—hole
HoliznaCC0 - Ugly Truth
Robert John - Cut a Rug
Charlie Megira & the Bet She'an Valley Hillbillies - Haven't The Poor People Suffered Enough
Atlantic Thrills - Bed Bugs
(FREE) The Weeknd x Japanese Pop 80s Type Beat 2022 - "WIRED" (Prod. @Z-CodeWav)