S01E131: Party First, Freedom Later
Tonight’s Tarot:
Freaks of Hazard:
NetNed snuck in during the show with the mafic number of $33.00! Thank you for your courage! o7
Behold! Archived shownotes! https://bts.be.sexy/bu/
Dame Boolysteed for the groovy AI Camera Camo Article!
We got some new boosts to try out tonight as well!:
1621 - [Call The Dragonzord]
4110 - [Bring In The Forklift]
5555 - [Censor This]
15100 - [Knock It Out!]
1000000 - [No Fucking Way!]
Also when you boost 6666 there’s now three different ways you can slaughter the goat. So very legal!!
$71 Coat Makes Wearers Invisible to AI Security Cameras
Students in China have invented a $71 “invisibility cloak” that hides wearers from artificial intelligence (AI) security cameras.
Developed by a team of students at Wuhan University, the “InvisDefense” is a low-cost coat that can be worn day or night to evade detection from security AI camera systems.
To the naked eye, it looks like any other ordinary camouflage pattern coat. However, during the day the coat’s customized camouflage prints which is designed through an algorithm effectively blind visible light cameras. At night, the coat’s embedded thermal devices emit unusual heat signals to confuse infrared cameras.
The InvisDefense coat could be used for stealth military uniforms to evade detection from drones, or AI-controlled units on the battlefield.
Researchers could also potentially use the pattern-generating algorithm to better understand and patch up loopholes in artificial intelligence and computer recognition technology. “Nowadays, many surveillance devices can detect human bodies,” Professor Wang Zheng from Wuhan University’s School of Computer Science, who oversaw the invention, tells the South China Morning Post.
“Cameras on the road have pedestrian detection functions and smart cars can identify pedestrians, roads, and obstacles. Our Invisdefense allows the camera to capture you, but it cannot tell if you are human. The coat won first prize in a contest sponsored by Huawei Technologies, with a paper describing the technology set to be presented at the AAAI 2023 AI conference in the U.S. in February.
“The most difficult part is the balance of the camouflage pattern. Traditionally, researchers used bright images to interfere with machine vision and it did work,” Wei Hui explains. “But it stands out to human eyes, making the user even more conspicuous. We use algorithms to design the least conspicuous patterns that can disable computer vision.”
Thanks for article Dame Boolysteed!
Teacher Fired for Showing 'The Exorcist' to Elementary School Students | Coast to Coast AM
A Dutch substitute teacher has been fired after it was discovered he was showing elementary aged children horror and sci-fi movies. He had forced them to watch such films as The Exorcist and District 9. Admin and police were contacted by the parents after the kids reported being forced to watch “creepy” movies. The 7-9 year old kids were shown these during lunch.
One angry father said that children would “run to the corridor to hide” and others would not return back to the classroom. Some children were reported as having nightmares. The children that complained were in turned mocked by the sub mercilessly.
The sub told the kids not to inform anyone of the films, and to prevent from getting caught, he had a rig that would switch the movie over to something more kid friendly like The Pink Panther whenever another adult would walk into the room.
⭐ Condor's Nest - Official Trailer (2023) Jacob Keohane
Check out this trailer from a good friend of the shows! Can’t think of anything more wholesome that hunting Nazi’s in South America. A big hearty congrats to this production!
Michael Ironside in Nazi Hunter Revenge Thriller 'Condor's Nest' Trailer
Released by Saban Films (yes that Saban), produced and starring Keohane, and directed by the dude who did Point Guard, Phil Blattenberger. Point Guard was another movie starring Keohane set during the Vietnam War.
A synopsis: American war veteran Will Spalding (Jacob Keohane) has tracked the sadistic Nazi Colonel who executed his bomber crew during WWII down to a remote location in South America. But he is in for more than he bargained for when he uncovers a secret Nazi headquarters known as the Condor's Nest.
Also stars Arnold Vosloo, of the Mummy fame. Awesome first movie.
Voltage launches war thriller ‘Condor’s Nest’ at Cannes (exclusive)
Filmed on location in South America and in the U.S.
Thursday Night Massacre (Twitter) [ARCHIVED]
December 15, 2022 Twitter suspensions
Nine journos were suspended without warning and holy hell has broken loose. This was all in relation to the @ElonsJet account and the act of “doxxing”. The journo’s said they violated no rules to warrant the ban.
The publications included VOA, WaPo, NYT, The Intercept, CNN and more.
Responses were varied: "didn't post anything remotely controversial today or anytime recently" "While my reporting may not have provided the direct impetus for my suspension, it’s clear Musk was taking aim specifically at journalists who have covered him critically." "Unless the policy is that you criticize Elon and you get banned."
A former Twitter employee said: "We have to acknowledge you are using the same exact link-blocking technique that you have criticized as part of the Hunter Biden-New York Post story in 2020."
⭐ Taylor Lorenz almost in tears as she discusses her ban. HAHA! WHAT A SUCKER!
How Bitcoin Helped Me Escape A Doomsday Cult
Pretty neat article detailing a man’s transition out of a doomsday cult into the world of Bitcoin. Worth a read.
“Don’t trust, verify.”
“Trust has always been abused, even if only by a small minority. But all it takes is a minority of people abusing and misusing your trust to cause you, and everyone else who trusts them, grave harm. So don’t trust, verify.”
“Fiat is “money by decree” “fiat currency: no permission necessary”
“Bitcoiners are people who, like me, have escaped a cult: the cult of fiat.”
In relation to Plato’s Cave, which is where this allegory came to my attention “Bitcoiners are the escaped man.”
“The Bitcoiner stands, golden coins in hand, looking the giant in the eye with a defiance that onlookers usually perceive as madness.”
Plato proposed there was two worlds. The world of senses, in flux and unreliable. Then there is the second world. timeless, unchanging, made of eternal ideas and forms. Plato said truth is knowledge of both of these worlds.
This story was told in the format of a conversation between Socrates ad Plato’s brother Glaucon.
⭐ Plato's Cave (animated version)
Truth In The Shadows - Imagine a cave with people chain to the floor and they are to stare at a wall. Imagine there’s a fire, with people putting on a shadow puppet play. Imagine if this was the only truth they ever saw. Welcome to Plato’s Cave.
What Is Your Reply - See what happens if a prisoner is released. Dazzled by the non shadows, what he saw before was an illusion. Can he even name the physical objects?
“The cave and its shadows are the world of the sense, the fire is the sun, and the external world is the realm of Ideas. Most people are only aware of the shadows and not the real world. This is because they assume knowledge of the senses, and not the forms. Most people live in ignorance as a result.”
The prisoner escaping is a reflection of the soul rising from the sensible realm to the realm of ideas.
Everyone can know the truth. Enlightenment is challenging tho. Those who see the worlds of form will reject the old reality and want to know more about the truth. The majority and in chains in the cave, and can even be hostile towards those who have seen the true nature. This is because true nature contradicts with the only reality they know i.e. the shadows on the wall.
The Cause Of All Things - Watch our hero climb the mountain to witness the Sun. Nothing but reality before his eyes in the upper world. Reflections in water, stars in the sky, and the Sun. Somewhat suggests Sun gazing has got some enlightening element. First see, then reason. But what of the prisoners in the cave?
Live After Their Manner - Pitying the prisoners for self rewarding the most movements of the shadows, most accurately guessing where they came from and what was coming next. What would these accolades mean to someone who has witnessed the sun?
Several scholars have interpreted the Allegory as saying that those who know the truth will suffer for it like Socrates, because the minds of the majority are only directed at the unreal.
This They Must Do - And if the man was returned, with his eyes unaccustomed to the dark. He fucked his eyes up! He seems half blind to the other prisoners, but the hero must descend upon pain of death to show the path to enlightenment.
⭐ Preparatory Study: Plato's Cave
⭐ Allegory of the Cave - Legion
Mr Smith - The Heavy Three
Lobo Loco - Ghost Formation Dance (ID 293)
1st Contact - Hollow Moon
Dee Yan-Key - We Wish You a Merry Christmas
Old School Hardcore Punk instrumental