Tonight’s Tarot:
Freaks of Hazard:
KS and Sir CrossStitch are both landing with their monthly donations of $5 and $5.33! It’s because of “people like you” we have cool shit like!
Sir Mani, total dame slayer, is back on the attack with a very very satiny donation of $6.66! Hail Satin!
Capt. Oblivious snuck in with some pents! That’s $5.55!!
Medus sent a really cool gift in the mail! It’s a special deck of oracle cards! Love love love that artwork! Check them out here!
Holy shit…Hunter Jackson mailed out the physical piece of incredible artwork he made. Don’t panic, keep calm. Deep breathes.
⭐ Cocaine Bear - Official Trailer (2023) Keri Russell, O’Shea Jackson, Jr., Ray Liotta
Directed by Elizabeth Banks.
The movie will be based on the real-life story of a 175-pound bear who ate 70 pounds of cocaine. The movie will be based on the real-life story of a 175-pound bear who ate 70 pounds of cocaine.
The bear died of an overdose.
Gather ‘Round for the Ballad of Cocaine Bear
Andrew Carter Thornton III was born to elite Kentuckians on a horse farm in Kentucky. He attended the Sayre School and the Sewanee Military Academy. He got a Purple Heart while serving in the army during the Dominican Civil War. He later joined the Lexington Police Force, and became involved with the first narcotics division that often worked with the DEA. He left eventually to become a lawyer.
“But instead of practicing law, Thornton spent his time subverting it. The man DEA agent Robert Brightwell described to The Washington Post as “an adventurer driven by adrenaline rushes,” who was also an accomplished pilot, combatant, and skydiver, had found the dangerous life he was looking for in drug and weapons trafficking.”
He was picked up after a friend of his was busted in a Philly hotel with weapons, fake id’s, cash, disguises, all the good stuff. Two dozen other men were later implicated in the conspiracy to traffic pot and steal weapons from the China Lake Naval Center in Fresno at the behest of the Colombian cartels.
He avoided lengthy prison time, and stayed one step ahead of the law until 9/11/85. He jumped out of a plane with 77 pounds of cocaine strapped to himself and experienced a parachute malfunction. He died from the fall. Investigators later found 220 pounds of cocaine in the GA mountains. 70 pounds of it was found in a black bear.
“Its stomach was literally packed to the brim with cocaine. There isn’t a mammal on the planet that could survive that. Cerebral hemorrhaging, respiratory failure, hyperthermia, renal failure, heart failure, stroke. You name it, that bear had it.”
The bear was later taxidemeried, stored, and purchased by Waylon Jennings for a friend of his. It was auctioned off after the friend’s passing to someone in Reno, who eventually gave it to the Kentucky Fun Mall on Bryan Avenue.
This was Ray Liotta’s last film.
Filmed in Ireland.
⭐ Meanwhile… The World’s Oldest Cat | Siberian Zombie Virus
Pandoravirus - Listen to Colbert freak out at science. Bad science! Bad!
Bonus Meanwhile - Meanwhile.
⭐ 50,000 Year Old ZOMBIE Virus Revived From Permafrost | The Kyle Kulinski Show
Unleash The Permafrost - The situation with the so called Pandora Virus. It’s these pesky Russki’s I tell you!
Look Listen A Scary Thought - Listen, look, hey listen.
Imagine If You Will - Let the seeds be planted for what is a terrifying thought.
Newly discovered “Pandoravirus" could redefine life as we know it
There was a time this was exciting news. Larger and larger sizes of virus’s have been found. First there was the mimivirus, roughly six time the size of HIV. Then the mamavirus, the megavirus. In Australia however, they found a pandoravirus that was two times bigger than what was originally found. “Pandoraviruses, in other words, are more than just huge – they're also unmistakably distinct from any known virus on Earth – including other giant viruses.”
The science is settled! "First seen as poisons, then as life-forms, then biological chemicals, viruses today are thought of as being in a gray area between living and nonliving," writes molecular biologist Luis Villarreal in this in-depth feature for Scientific American. "They cannot replicate on their own but can do so in truly living cells and can also affect the behavior of their hosts profoundly."
⭐ Andy Kaufman's Helpful Hints
To The Good People Of The South - Kaufman was the ultimate heel. Often copied, never matched.
This Is Soap - What possibly could he be enlightening the good people of the south about?
Don't Write To Me - Just to hammer the point home. Take heed and listen for this type of approach people!
⭐ Who Said It: Kanye or Hitler?
This shit used to be funny. What happened?
Being a luddite not much of this is familar. Except this bit here at the bottom under “Inspirations”: – “… a modern x86-64 Commodore 64 … 640x480 resolution, 16-color display … designed according to explicit instructions from God.”
Nikolai Mushegian dead and obituary, Terry A. Davis but extra - cause fo death
“Nikolai Mushegian rose to fame for his actions to prevent the catastrophic hack of MakerDAO, which was due to the withdrawal of tens of millions of dollars in ether from The DAO last year — leading to an ethereum blockchain hard fork and a This ideological schism led to a schism in the church.”
Nikolai Arcadievich Mushegian was a cryptocurrency developer who became interested in VIPaedophile and tweeted about it.

⭐ Joe Rogan: The MYSTERIOUS Death of Nikolai Mushegian. CIA? PEDOS? A SETUP?!
Meanwhile In PR - Details surrounding the suspicious death of Nicholas.
Drowning death of crypto ‘visionary’ Nikolai Mushegian fuels conspiracy theories
He was wearing his clothes and had his wallet on him, sources told The Post.
A person who knew Mushegian very well for years until they had a falling-out two years ago said that the developer was “very very smart” but also suffered from extreme bouts of paranoia. At the same time, the source said Meshugian was in communication with federal agencies, possibly including the CIA, but did not elaborate further. “He had mental problems,” said the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity. “He saw a psychiatrist at times. He smoked a lot of pot. A tremendous amount.”
The source described Mushegian as a loner who lived alone with his dog, Sunny, after a bad breakup with the girlfriend he called a “spy” in his last tweet. Another source said there is “no way” the ex-girlfriend was a spy. The Post has reached out to the presumed ex for comment.
Mushegian, a 2014 Carnegie Mellon graduate who donated $1.4 million to the school, often referenced the late Terry A. Davis, once called “God’s Lonely Programmer,” in his writings, as well as on his LinkedIn profile and website — sometimes even using Davis’ name as his own handle. Davis — who created and designed a complex entire operating system, Temple OS, by himself — had a small cult following but also suffered from serious mental health issues including schizophrenia. “There was someone named Terry Davis,” Mushegian wrote in March. “Terry understood that the way big software companies made software was harmful to regular people. But he did not understand how to explain it to the people it was harming. To make sure he could never explain it in a way that people could understand, the people who wanted to create harmful software on purpose caused him to harm himself in ways he didn’t understand.”
Brock Pierce, of Mighty Ducks fame, who was not aware of Terry Davis said, "“Intelligence agencies are not hunting down crypto pioneers,” he said. “If the government were knocking off people in this field, I would know.”
He Knew Things - Musings as to what could have caused said death.
⭐ Something Strange Is Happening To Rich Crypto Guys
A couple of other crypto bros have also bit the dust recently. Reminds me of those string of high profile bankers dying mysteriously.
⭐ What is MakerDAO and how does DAI work?
Just what the hell is MakerDAO?
⭐ The Strange Death Of Nikolai Mushegian
The Maker of MakerDAO - Wow, there’s a name in here I definitely was not expecting to hear.
Turn Your Back - Typically I’m not gaga over AI, but I like what this bot is throwing down.
⭐ Merlin - The End of Queen Mab - Just to reiterate…
Sus Tweets And Karma Treats - Let’s hear some more about the schizoid tweets he was producing.
The Art of Gangstalking - Then again, this shit never sounded that crazy…
Did the CIA Just Kill a Major Crypto Developer?
The Real Andy Kaufman Best Video
12 - 11- 12- 1 am - Mr. & Mrs. Smith
Absolutely No Words - Hulk Hogan vs Macho Man Breathing Match
Joe Pesci Assaults Muppet on Sesame Street (1994)
"Dillon! You Son of a Bitch!" / Remixing Dutch (Predator)
Christopher Walken Sings Monster Mash
Bill Gates WARNS us about Bitcoin
Jazz Sabbath - Jazz Sabbath (2020) [Full Album]
Man Outta Town (Instrumental) by Forget the Whale

Brb getting that Andy Kaufman heel art tattooed on my body and face.