S01E115: Radium Lips And Orange Dreams
Tonight’s Tarot:
Freaks of Hazard:
Tjunta is here with an End of Show song! Stick around after the play out to check it out!
Sir Earl Mittens sent in a PLETHORA of Alex Jones isos! Now we’re one of THOSE shows!
KS’s monthly donation of $5.00 landed! Thank you for the continued support!
Sir CrossStitch also had a monthly donation of $5.33 land! That is very much appreciated!!
Nam sent over a python script so we can check out how many listeners we have live! Neat!
There’s two new boosts for tonight!
1118 Wanna Play Some Gamecube?
1995 Wanna play some PlayStation?
Art by MakeHeroism
Art By Fletcher
Drawn by SirVo.
Summer of ‘52
Science don’t know shit about fuck when it comes to Blue Yeti Mic operation. Why waste time on literal shit theories?!
Verify - Is there a secret chemtrail spraying program
Something Evil And Secret Is Going On - Something evil and secret is going! Can you believe so many people believe in that??
Can You Blame The Guy - Fox brought so called experts to verify how bogus of claim that the gubment would spray it’s civilians with something is. One is from Metro State U Denver, the other an Atmospheric Scientist at Stanford. They are no government agents. These guys have science while the chemtrail believer only has found footage online. The regular Joe interviewed had over 400 videos. Can you blame the guy for not trusting the government?
I Don't Know Why - Smarmy scientist (pictured above) talks a lot of shit for someone who doesn’t read mic instructions.
FALSE - Through the power of Adobe Animate, science is shown again to be the victor! It’s totally false that the gubment would spray unknowing citizens.
This article came to my attention through a Maggos thread on the Fedi. Another fine example of how the Gubment utilizes safe and effective measures to provide you security and safety. Sorta. Bring forth… LARGE AREA COVERAGE!
U.S. secretly tested carcinogen in Western Canada during the Cold War, researcher finds
Between 07/09/1953 and 08/01/1953 the U.S. Army sprayed 6 kilograms of zinc cadmium sulfide onto the citizens of Winnipeg. Both the people and local government was unaware of the natures of the test. The Pentagon lied to Winnipeg and claimed they were testing a “chemical fog” that could hide a city in case of a Russian attack.
In reality, ZCS was a fluorescent tracer that could track how radioactive fallout travels on wind currents. The population at the time was approximately 300,000 people. ZCS is odorless, colorless, and is not visible to the naked eye. The small nature of the particles led to concerns that they could become deeply lodged in the lungs.
There was suggestions of continuing the experiments by introducing “phosphorus-32, a radioactive material, and VX, a nerve agent which was recently used to assassinate Kim Jong Nam, the brother of North Korea’s Kim Jong Un.”. The goal was to make a radioactive nerve agent. In Nashville, radioactive material was injected into pregnant women to see if they’d pass the materials onto the babies. Children were fed radioactive oatmeal as part of a “science club”, and were gifted Mickey watches and baseball tickets for playing along.
“Zinc cadmium sulfide is a mixture of zinc sulfide (ZnS) and cadmium sulfide (CdS). It is used for its fluorescent properties. Bioaccumulation of this chemical may occur along the food chain, for example in plants and in seafood. Long-term or repeated exposures are expected to have harmful effects on the kidneys, bones, and respiratory tract, resulting in kidney impairment, osteoporosis (bone weakness), and chronic inflammation of the respiratory tract.”
“A 1997 U.S. government study, done by the U.S. National Research Council stated, in part, "After an exhaustive, independent review requested by Congress, we have found no evidence that exposure to zinc cadmium sulfide at these levels could cause people to become sick." It said that the material was dispersed at very low levels, and people were exposed to higher levels in typical urban environments. Responding to the 1997 study, Leonard A. Cole said that by testing ZnCdS the Army was "literally using the country as an experimental laboratory”.”
“As part of the tests, the Army released particles of zinc cadmium sulfide from airplanes, rooftops, and moving vehicles in 33 locations, mostly cities and towns, in the United States and Canada.”
“Although more is known about some related chemicals, it is not well known how the compound zinc cadmium sulfide could affect people's health. There is little information on the toxicity of zinc cadmium sulfide in experimental animals. We do know that animals that were fed massive amounts of zinc cadmium sulfide one time did not show any ill health effects. We also know that zinc cadmium sulfide does not irritate rabbits' skin or eyes.”
Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments - Executive Summary
MKDELTA, Mind control, and radiation testimony.
CIA Radiation & Mind Control Experiments - Victims of Dr. Greene (1995)
St. Louis news on how the army sprayed zinc cadmium sulfide on poor blacks mostly children
Smokescreens - A researcher tried to blow the whistle on ZCS Army experiments. Planes, blowers, station wagons we got it all! Turns out it was all a smoke screen! Shocking!
Radiumactive - Taylor sounds like she doesn’t trust the science. Watch those Radium Girls!
How is this way more radioactive than uranium (radium) - Radium will fuck you up.
The Army Sprayed St. Louis With Toxic Aerosol During A Just Revealed 1950s Test
In the mid 1950’s, the Army set up motorized blowers on top of low income housing, schools, and from the back of station wagons in St. Louis. Again, they said they were testing a smoke screen to protect the citizens from a Red attack.
Families succumbed to cancer and birth defects. One of the people featured in this article suffered from breast, thyroid, skin, and uterine cancer. In one instance, she remembered a green Army plane flying overhead that dropped a fine white powder on the are.
A researcher on the matter believed these tests to be related to the Manhattan Project, and the pursuit of radioactive weapons. A Congressional study in 1995 confirmed radiological weapon testing in TN and other places throughout the Cold War.
HGP 76 -1952 MRC - Minneapolis
A Bigger Scale - Corpus Christi, St. Louis, San Fran., where else maybe?
In The Summer of '52 - Same and secure till the gubment comes knocking. More about ZCS. It’s special for this study. No one is exmept!
Light Wands - in 77, a TV station breaks the news. It’s the outbreak of health issues that always fucks the scheme up amiright? If you could, step up to the light wand.
The Follow-Up - Doctors from the Army ended up coming back… Good thing ZCS is perfectly safe.
No Studies - Sounds kind of familiar.
Minneapolis Called Toxic Test Site in '53
A local news station broke a story on stillbirths and miscarriages possibly being linked to this same type of spraying down in the Minneapocalypse. One of the sites sprayed was a public school. Once again, under the guise of smoke screen deployment. ZCS was sprayed 61 times in four different parts of the city.
BBC Spotlight Porton Down Spraying of Dorset with Zinc Cadmium sulphide
How Vulnerable Is Britain - More birth defects?? How can this be possible half way across the world??
One Of Two Things - The MoD really dumped it on Dorchester.
Millions were in germ war tests
Britain too tested biological weapons from 1940 to 1979, estimated to be over 100 different experiments. Here citizens were told the experiments were about weather.
“The MoD describes how between 1961 and 1968 more than a million people along the south coast of England, from Torquay to the New Forest, were exposed to bacteria including e.coli and bacillus globigii , which mimics anthrax. These releases came from a military ship, the Icewhale, anchored off the Dorset coast, which sprayed the micro-organisms in a five to 10-mile radius.”.
Why The US Military Secretly Gave San Francisco A Mysterious Illness
The First Chemical Attack - A fun Alphabet Soup video about the very first “chemical attack” on U.S. Soil. What were exactly the fears that fueled this experiment? “Oh, Hi Merck.”
The Chosen Bay - What happened that day?
You Weren't Actually Supposed To Get Them Sick - They found the bacteria all over the city turns out. And it wasn’t without consequences. The cause is worth the risks tbh.
In 1950, the U.S. Released a Bioweapon in San Francisco
The U.S. Navy sprayed for six days, and later collected sample from 43 sites. Serratia also turns your pee red. Nixon put a stop to all the testing in 1969.
Clouds of Secrecy - Operation Sea-Spray
A Classic Army Doc - A treat if you will. Enjoy!
Even the waste of this sort of shit is fucked up.
The Missouri Ghost Town Poisoned By Toxic Waste
Rains Of Dioxin - Times Beach was a town founded in MO by a local newspaper. They had hoped to turn the land into well to do rich suburb, but it was built in a flood plane. The town became fairly poor over the years, and never got funding to have paved roads. Because of these dusty roads, they had to hire a man to spray this. This is the story of Bliss, Times Beach, and Dioxin.
Meanwhile At The Ranch - NEPACCO signed a deal with IPC that IPC would destroy this toxic waste. They turned around and subcontracted the work out. They would pay Richard Bliss pennies on the gallon to dispose of this material. Except they never told him what it was…
Meanwhile At The Ranch - Bliss had a ranch where he tried out this new concoction. It did not end well.
The EPA Strikes Back - This part of the story gets crazy. The CDC got alerted to the reports coming from the area. They had no idea what Dioxin could really do. It took four years of studying the soil to confirm it was Dioxin. While this was happening Bliss was spraying all the roads, and illness abounded. NEPACCO went out of business in ‘72, in ‘74 the CDC confronted Bliss. He had no idea what was going on. The CDC finally tracked NEPACCO down, which had closed and a new business took over the facilities. There they found 4300 gallons of dioxin. Soil samples in the nearby area confirmed the Dioxin was coming from this plant. In ‘75 the EPA advised the CDC of destroying all the contaminated soil, but the CDC felt no urgency because they believed the half life of Dioxin to be one year. It would be too expensive for state officials to clean up. The actual half life is 7-11 years. in ‘79 a whistleblower stepped forward and alerted officials of a dump site that contained 90 leaky barrels of Dioxin. The EPA went back to Bliss’s horse arena in ‘82 and were shocked to find insanely high levels of contamination.
Payday - The wrap up of Times Beach, and how everything shook out. It’s a park now.
Gas warfare in the First World War
Luxury Apocalypse Bunkers for the Super-Rich
Brought up by Dame Boolysteed and structuresurfboard
Article written by Douglass Ruskov - A Well-Known Writer and Self-Described “Humanist”
Ruskov, considered a futurist (reluctantly), is called to a meeting with 5 rich guys who don’t want to hear Ruskov’s prewritten spiel. They want to ask him questions about prepping for the apocalypse.
He says, “Bitcoin or ethereum? Virtual reality or augmented reality? Who will get quantum computing first, China or Google? Eventually, they edged into their real topic of concern: New Zealand or Alaska? Which region would be less affected by the coming climate crisis? It only got worse from there. Which was the greater threat: global warming or biological warfare? How long should one plan to be able to survive with no outside help? Should a shelter have its own air supply? What was the likelihood of groundwater contamination? Finally, the CEO of a brokerage house explained that he had nearly completed building his own underground bunker system, and asked: “How do I maintain authority over my security force after the event?” The event. That was their euphemism for the environmental collapse, social unrest, nuclear explosion, solar storm, unstoppable virus, or malicious computer hack that takes everything down.
“This single question occupied us for the rest of the hour. They knew armed guards would be required to protect their compounds from raiders as well as angry mobs. One had already secured a dozen Navy Seals to make their way to his compound if he gave them the right cue. But how would he pay the guards once even his crypto was worthless?
“The billionaires considered using special combination locks on the food supply that only they knew. Or making guards wear disciplinary collars of some kind in return for their survival. Or maybe building robots to serve as guards and workers – if that technology could be developed “in time.”
Rushkov tries to convince the billionaires that long-term survival in the face of such an event would rely on collaboration and rebuilding community, and working with others as opposed to hiring them. Commie shit.
Instead Rushkov is driven to the conclusion that these men intend to compete as to who can make the best bunkers in the best locations. It is more about winning than true survival.
The Hunter Biden Movie - My Son Hunter
[Best Version] The Great Dictator Speech - Charlie Chaplin + Time - Hans Zimmer (INCEPTION Theme)
Drink Milk & Hug (GG Allin Parody)
my favorite mitch hedberg joke
Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo Mock Conservative Crime Reporting
What Pearl Jam sounds like to people who don't like Pearl Jam
Kool Aid #parody #koolaidkid #Cult #JimJones #TryNotTOLaugh
Alex Jones in Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back
The Misfats - Don't Open That Mayonnaise
Tjunta’s Song