S01E103: They Woke Up And Chose Violence
Tarot: https://tarotx.net/tarot-card-meanings/linestrider-tarot/the-world.html
Freaks of Hazard:
Happy BD to MaryKate Ultra!
Sir CrossStitch came in with his monthly donation of $5.33! Very satiny! Thank you!!
Kris Vox got the hook-up on a local show for Hairball! Go see this band, it is a killer time! https://hairballonline.com/shows
RobtheVolcano on NAS for the China Bank Run Topic and Article
Hairball Cover No More Mr. Guy
Hairball Covers Hot For Teacher
Hairball Covers Detroit Rock City
From Signs of New Growth:
Bank Runs Happening Across China
Random Things
Extensive Roman Ruins Found In The Netherlands
FBI Issued Friendly Valentine’s Day Warning About “Romance Scams”
Man Myth & Magic - Topic TBD
Fun Pics
For The Feet Lovers (You Sick Bastards)
Flogging Molly at the Armory MSP
At the show I encountered a fellow outside who was big into wrestling. That’s cool. And works at the renfair. Very neat so far. It took less than ten minutes for the convo to devolve into Blue Anon territory, naturally leading to a pod recommendation! (When the gentlemen saw the “Conspiracy Dealer” patch, which happened well after the rec, he could not and would not stop eye fucking it. Was he into the patch??).
Conspirituality 82: Steve Bannon, Mystic (w/Benjamin Teitelbaum)
Conspirituality 1 Intro - Just a brief intro to the guest, and his location is a little sus.
Conspirituality 2 Trafficking Music - Don’t be discrete at all I guess with your trades? It’s out in the open basically.
Conspirituality 3 You Think You Know (Bonus) - A weird way of describing how you like to use knowledge. Specifically the Sufi’s. Put that card in your hat.
Conspirituality 4 No But I'll Try HAHAHAHA - Omfg, these guys. Proceeds to take twenty minutes to describe traditionalism.
Conspirituality 5 The Four Ages - Going thru the four ages, and I guess the Four Seasons are thereby guilty by default.
Conspirituality 6 The Hierarchy - Point of discussion, is it just me or does the dude lose the plot here?
Conspirituality 7 La La La Doo Doo Doo (Bonus) - Another strange take on music, singing nonsensically brings about the end of the world lol.
Conspirituality 8 The Art of War - This may be worth the 2:30, it illustrates how lowly they think of anti-intellectuals, all while using the hottest word soup!
Conspirituality 9 Easy Candy - Discussing three policitcal ideologies, then some fourth one emerges. This clip almost gets to the heart of it. Doin it for the drugs!
The Emergence of Conspirituality
New Age Woo Woo is for girls and Kooky Krazy Conspiracy Theories are for boys. Oh, binary it for me!
“In this article we focus on two forms of holistic thought that are increasingly prevalent in the contemporary period. One is what has variously been labelled the New Age, alternative spirituality or the holistic milieu (Heelas and Woodhead). These groups embrace the idea of a person as an integrated whole, with mind, body, and spirit subject to a common set of principles. The second ideology is conspiracy theory. Here one finds a denial of contingency, the discovery of patterns in events that might otherwise seem to be random, and the attribution of agency to hidden forces (Aaronovitch).”
“Conspirituality is a web movement with diffuse leadership and constantly shifting areas of interest. In the nature of the case it is difficult to estimate its influence, but it seems clear that many millions of people have been exposed to this material, a substantial number of whom apparently subscribe to its tenets.”
Again believing in a NWO is definitely a radical right wing theory. Somebody please let Biden’s camp know.
The fuck does this mean? We’re offering this resource because “cult” is increasingly being used to characterize the conspirituality and QAnon movements, not because the cult literature as it stands is sufficient.
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL: Classic definition of “cult”
“A group or movement exhibiting great or excessive devotion or dedication to some person, idea, or thing, and employing unethical manipulative or coercive techniques of persuasion and control (e.g., isolation from former friends and family, debilitation, use of special methods to heighten suggestibility and subservience, powerful group pressures, information management, suspension of individuality or critical judgment, promotion of total dependency on the group and fear of leaving it), designed to advance the goals of the group’s leaders, to the actual or possible detriment of members, their families, or the community.”
SEE Accessible frameworks.
Conspirituality-to-QAnon (CS-to-Q) Keywords and Phrases
Crowd-sourced help of listeners and patrons. Parallel to high-emotional impact, these terms share low-definitional precision. Red pill, 5D, and starseed mean many poignant things to a spectrum of passionate users. This allows for the power of poetic suggestiveness. But it also lets speakers constantly move goalposts and express plausible deniability (i.e.: “No, I’m not talking about that. How dare you suggest I’m using anti-semitic / anti-vaxx / pro-Q language!”). Users bond over these terms, but not necessarily because they share consistent definitions of them. The bonding happens because the terms signal the sharing of emotional contagion.
The language of the totalist environment is characterized by the thought-terminating cliché. The most far-reaching and complex of human problems are compressed into brief, highly reductive, definitive-sounding phrases, easily memorized and easily expressed. Totalist language, then, is repetitiously centered on all-encompassing jargon, prematurely abstract, highly categorical, relentlessly judging, and to anyone but its most devoted advocate, deadly dull. “Safe and effective”.
Certain terms highlighted within.
Doing the good work shitting down all the crazy pseudoscience. They have many many more here. It’s off the rails.
Return of a fan favorite! Conspirituality 105: TikTok, Cults, & Conspiracies (w/ Abbie Richards)
Grant Morrison - Sigil -
The Mantrical Spell Method - Sigil Magick - MATOS Spells and Magic
State desire, create a quasi-phonetic spelling of said intent. After writing, remove all the vowels as you would a written sigil, following that remove duplicate letters. Once you have the core, you can re-add vowels to create a mantra that flows more easily and is pleasant, specifically one that sounds euphoric to the ear. Make sure the new phrase is not similar to the original input.
Our sentence of desire has been turned into a mantra by manipulating its sound elements, and we cannot recognize its meaning anymore (as is also the case with word and pictorial sigils). You can now activate this acoustic sigil by repeating it over and over again, for hours on end, if possible. The monotony of this procedure will guide you into a kind of "mantra-stupor".
Much further in depth for the musically inclined.
Horrorcore artists often push the violent content and imagery in their lyrics beyond the realm of realistic urban violence, to the point where the violent lyrics become gruesome, ghoulish, unsettling, or slasher film- or splatter film-esque. While exaggerated violence and the supernatural are common in horrorcore, the genre also frequently presents more realistic yet still disturbing portrayals of mental illness and drug abuse.
The Most Demonic Song 1 The Rundown - The steps required listed.
The Most Demonic Song 2 What Is Memphis Rap - A short overview of what the music entails.
The Most Demonic Song 3 Maniac Hellraiser Short - Just a taste.
The Most Demonic Song 4 Children of the Corn Short - Just a taste.
Tapes emerged out of the 90’s horror-core rap scene that were said to be imbedded with magical rites of blood magic. Samples were made from victims cries, recorded at the scene of the murders and sampled for the tracks. Horrorcore was generally rife with violent lyrics, and this hypothesis gains more traction with the occultic swirl around Memphis.
The occult dates back to the 1800’s with the introduction of Hoodoo that was being practiced by slaves in the area. Various sport teams from the area feature occultic imagery (like crossed bones) in their symbology, and many musicians sang about darker topics. Think of the cross roads and the black cat blues.
Memphis was named after an ancient Egyptian city that was known for worshipping a creator like god named Ptah. See Koopsta’s (from Three 6 Mafia) quote in the NWO doc for a boots on the ground testimony of witnessing magick all rites in the city.
“It required you murdering someone, recording the audio from this murder, sampling the audio, returning to the scene, and then rapping over the murder scene with the murder audio intact to capture the negative energy within the recording in order to place it onto mixtapes, which you would then give out and with each one containing a part of the sigil you could seriously charge up the energy of your sigil fast if your music proved popular enough. Due to this process it's not thought digital copies contain the negative sigil energy from the original tapes as the energy can only come from the original source and not be some copy recorded from an external device.”
In ‘93 three young boys were found murdered in what could be described as a ritualistic killing featuring castration, stabbing, and drownings. That same night a bloodied black man entered a bojangles bathroom, leading cops to ultimately gather a blood sample but lost it. One single hair from a black man was found on a blanket at the scene, but eventually three other white men were charged and convicted in the crime.
Was a four corner ritual (crossroads) completed? Apparently ‘94 is when Memphis Rap hit the mainstream.
How '90s Memphis rap tapes gave rise to a chilling legend | Treble
From the album “Mystic Stylez”, Three 6 Mafia’s Lord Infamous described “torture chambers filled with corpses in my basement” in what can best be described as an incantation to Satan.
At this time, Memphis was known for its high crime rate (has Chicago passed this) from the war on drugs, but it didn’t stop folks from selling tapes out of their trunk.
Many articles, including this one compare horrorcore to Black metal and its shaking of the conventional deliveries of music. Darker lyrics, lo fi audio quality, occultic undertones etc.
About the tapes specifically “The soul energy, per chaos magick practice, is then made into a symbol to bring about the practitioner’s desired outcome. And apparently, this energy is only charged when you listen to it on the original cassettes and not on YouTube or Spotify.”
You can still find the tapes on eBay for a premium.
“In his amazing NWO documentary, Koopsta Knicca (RIP) from Three 6 Mafia tells a story of going to downtown Memphis to do the cover shoot for their horrifying debut album Mystic Stylez. The cover itself features Koopsta hung on a cross wearing some creepy Eyes Wide Shut-type mask. While recording, they found a creepy warehouse across the street from the video shoot. When they walked in, they saw a bunch of white dudes wearing robes doing weird spooky shit. He mentions they even had some type of weird altar. You can go all the way back to the 1800s for stories about the heritage of hoodoo in Memphis.”
“"Chaos magic, also spelled chaos magick, is a contemporary magical practice. It was initially developed in England in the 1970s, drawing heavily from the philosophy of artist and occultist Austin Osman Spare. Sometimes referred to as "success magic" or "results-based magic", chaos magic claims to emphasize the attainment of specific results over the symbolic, ritualistic, theological or otherwise ornamental aspects of other occult traditions."
"Chaos magic is built around an experimental, D.I.Y. approach that involves stripping all magical techniques down to their barest essence, any practice from any magical tradition can be incorporated under the banner of chaos magic: from Satanic ritual, to Wiccan sabbats, to energy healing, to Tantric practices, etc."
"In modern usage, especially in the context of chaos magic, sigil refers to a symbolic representation of the practitioner's desired outcome.
In the Medieval era, a sigil was a symbol associated with a particular angel or demon, which could be used to ritually summon the relevant being."
"The final step is charging the sigil: filling the symbol with the necessary energy to accomplish its task. The symbol of your desire is just a symbol until you charge it. Whether you call this charging energy ki, qi, prana, mana, or the Force, you can manipulate it with your attention.”
Chaos Magic and Memphis Rap, Part 3
There’s a distinction between your classic Illuminati artists who conduct rituals “in secret” and these news artists openly practice. Lol, where did it come from? “We’ve seen similar beliefs form in the black and death metal genres. These connections came from groups in Europe who had intrinsically tied these beliefs to the countercultures in their heavily religious countries. These bands received government checks that supplemented their income and gave them lots of free time to burn churches and buy black leather clothes.”
Allegedly all 8 of the tapes must be played for the ritual to be complete. “There is a giant pyramid in downtown Memphis, which did have a crystal skull embedded into its structure. Many believe that the top of this pyramid is the best location to complete the supposed Rap Sigil and play all eight tapes.”
“The occult speculation in the Memphis rap scene persists today. Recently rapper Young Dolph was gunned down in Memphis, where he was from. Dolph’s music had moved back towards more gangster themes in his lyrics, though some of the beats used are definitely reminiscent of the city’s predecessors. Whether or not Dolph was involved in the occult like others we’ve discussed, people have certainly made the jump. A dozen internet shows and podcasts have popped up claiming that his death was an Illuminati sacrifice. And thus the saga of chaos magic and rap continues.”
These Memphis rap tapes aren’t actually haunted, but they are awesome
More so saved this one for the way the author lauds at conspiracy theorists. “The wildest theory postulates that these sigils are coded messages signaling the location of the Nephilim, gigantic demigods from the ancient pre-Christian past that the U.S. military is hiding in underground bases deep in the Appalachian Mountains. This all ties in to flat-earthism, somehow—everything ties in to flat-earthism somehow, if you ask flat-earthers—as well as the popular “ancient aliens” theory, which speculates that the Nephilim aren’t fallen angels, but aliens who bred with Neanderthals to create modern humans. What this has to do with a bunch of guys making music inspired by gangster rap and horror movies clear across the state (Memphis is in west Tennessee, and the Appalachians east Tennessee) is unclear. The remaining conspiracy theories tied to Memphis rap are all garden-variety occult stuff, revolving around the cassette tapes themselves as “sigils,” magical symbols used in ceremonial magic to call upon a particular supernatural entity.”
Tomb of Doom: The Mysterious Past of the 'Cursed' Memphis Pyramid
The Memphis is ranked among 10 of the biggest pyramids in the world, and was cursed by the removal of a crystal skull. Originally they wanted three pyramids on the bank of the Mississippi and we’re going to be 2/3rd’s the scale of the O.G. Giza Strip ones.
The original Memphis, famous for expansive necropolises/tombs/pyramids was the capital of Egypt for about a hundred years. The Giza pyramids are considered to be part of this system, since they are only 12 miles away.
One stagehand died from falling from the grid in TN. It was also used as sound stage for Black Snake Moan. At one point, workers had found a crystal skull hidden by Isaac Tigrett, founder of the Hard Rock Café restaurant chain. “According to Tigrett, the skull was only one of several “crystal and mystical objects” placed throughout the building, though the others have never been found. In a blog post, Jones describes Tigrett’s reaction to the removal of the crystal skull. “You don’t have any idea what you have done,” he quotes Tigrett as saying, while going on to claim that the “cosmic balance of the earth may have been disrupted” by the removal of the skull, which “city and county officials” were told “had materialized in the hands of Mr. Tigrett’s guru.”"
Memphis Rap Sigil The X Thread Comment - How the producers utilized the surrounding area’s energies. Hail Satin!
Memphis Rap Sigil The X Thread Comment 2 - Memphis is spooky.
Memphis Rap Sigil The X Thread Comment 3 - It’s just an aesthetic.
Memphis Rap Sigil The X Thread Koopsta NWO Doc 3-6 Mafia Ritual - Well someone saw it with their own lives.
Memphis Rap Sigil The X Thread Comment 4 Corners - Are there really gateways to hell in Memphis?
Dead Rabbit 1 DUMB Angels - Stil don’t know where this came from.
Dead Rabbit 2 3rd Theory - Using the surrounding areas, and you need that goddamn tape!
Dead Rabbit 3 Four Corners A West of Memphis - Breaking down the Four Corners.
Dead Rabbit 3 Four Corners B The Murders - Detailing the murders.
Dead Rabbit 3 Four Corners C That's Our Guy - Optional, but basically he postulates that there are perhaps some deranged people out there that would engage in such a ritualistic murder.
For a more in depth discussion of how the Memphis Rap scene came about, how it was distributed, and it’s lasting influence on trap, phonk, and the Atlanta scene.
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