Greetings Greetings Fellow Bastards and Bitches,
That new auto generated welcome post is kind of dumb. Appreciate the effort. At most I assumed the defining bio for what existence of me appears here would have just shown by a neat-o profile pic. Maybe the term “bio-exorcist” would tie the room together. A real “spoopy” flair as most my concurrent generation likes to state. It means nothing more than a low hanging fruit call back from yesteryears pop cultural appropriation, but it has a sort of perverse sing song aspect to it that is rather appealing.
Welcome to my Substack I suppose.
Glad you could join us right now. Right, NWO is some crazy shit is goin’ down.
“Zoso’s Corner” is another avenue along side the podcast Behind the SchƎmƎs. The best way to frame is there are two personalities I want to utilize in creation of consumable content that is argumentative and informative. Perhaps this reasoning is a by-product of my understanding of the mechanics of magick. To a point. Bringing the two opposites together in synthesis. Technically, it really strikes more as the foundation of the Hegelian Dialectic: thesis-antithesis-synthesis viewer-discretion-advised (This model is a rather new revelation for me and it’s sorta rocked my shit not being aware sooner). Adding a more familiar chaotic flair to it, my goal is to attempt to utilize this model but with different parameters. Have the two sides work in tandem. Wait…did I get that backwards?
That’s the goal at least. Maybe putting this into 1’s and 0’s adds a thicker layer of accountability…Raptor Jesus willing I hope so. ZC (Zoso’s Corner) will be home for a Newsletter of some capacity along side show notes for BTS. Best case scenario, I can discover the true magic of writing an essay that could double as the backbone for an episode of the podcast.
Wouldn’t that be lovely?
Writing is an integral tool of expression that I feel is not expressed nearly as often as it could be. Sure, the written word can be warped and perverted; fake news is no new concept. For one voice though, to step out of beat with Legion and say “Just wait a goddamn second, can you stop and think on this?” is more therapy for the author than a vehicle of bringing resolution to the Un-zipping. Nick The Rat already had the “Unraveling” and I’m not sure there’s really any better way to describe it. What knowledge or wisdom can I find on my own? How do you know you’re asking the right questions? Does it matter what’s truth or what’s not truth if you can meme truth to life? Does that last bit even make sense? How about, if you can meme in the reality as you see fit? Much better.
It’s our mindcrime.
Please, stay aware and stay tuned. Be with us. It may take swings with the wrench but the intent is just to write. Drop in! ! There is a vow that should be worth nothing; on signing up for this service I did see opportunities to add a subscription fee. That is something that will never interest me. I want to live that v4v life you Freak of Hazard. No ads, no subscription fees, it would be a more fruitful and soul filling to act as a conduit for free thoughts and free ideas. To quote Bill Hicks, “Do a commercial, you’re off the artistic role call. Every word you say is suspect, you’re a corporate whore, and uh…end of story.”
A final thought.
Maybe the apocalypse isn’t such a bad thing. It’s a worn out meme, but it’s something to find solace in from this rendering. Render like tear. A definition straight from the Book of Lies, Wikipedia: An apocalypse (Ancient Greek: ἀποκάλυψις apokálypsis, from off: ἀπό and cover: καλύπτω, literally meaning "an uncovering") is a disclosure or revelation of great knowledge.
Safe travels and till next time,
Zosobi Boo-Bury
oh no... I made a commercial for spanish class in college, i'm I doin a big hell now?